Tag #1

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Another 13 facts tag I guess. I was tagged by Vol_Voltron

1.) I have a lisp and it wasn't really noticeable until I got braces. It sucks.
2.) I roll my ankles so much I have to wear ankle braces sometimes
3.) I'm pretty sure I wrote a fanfiction for aot in a notebook I still have. It was a mermaid au too.
4.) I'm 15
5.) I stole Forever_A_Scone shirt at their birthday party because it's really soft even though it's a Twilight shirt
6.) Sometimes not being able to feel emotions in pretty nice but I actually miss it, a lot. I'm not a sociopath I'm just really depressed and dead inside
7.) Me and my parent have a group chat on Instagram where we send each other memes
8.) I don't like dogs bc I was attacked by a dog when I was little and it scarred my face
9.) I have a stuffed turtle named Oregano
10.) My mom told me she caught the gay from me but I never told her I was gay so I'm confused???
11.) I love drawing but I am awful at it so I gave my drawing tablet to Forever_A_Scone for their birthday because I'm a good friend
12.) I haven't watched a new anime since Yuri!!! On Ice and I really don't want to. Anime used to be my life but it just doesn't interest me anymore
13.) I love my dad but I really don't like going to his house

I'm just not tagging anyone in this one

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