Have I Told You Lately?

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The early morning sun shone through the curtains, shining on the closed eyes of the young woman that lied in the king sized bed. She gave a soft moan and turned over and yawned, her eyes blinked and focused on the man that slept deeply beside her. She smiled softly and brushed her fingertips across his cheek before checking the digital clock on the bedside table next to Bucky. 6:27.

'I won't be able to go back to sleep.' She thought before her stomach growled. Listening to her body, she quietly, as not to disturb her sleeping boyfriend, slipped from the warm bed, grabbing her phone off the side table on her side. She shivered a bit when her feet hit the cold hard wood floor as she made her way to he kitchen of their shared apartment and placed her phone on the white marble countertop, opposite to the stove.

She decided on pancakes, eggs, and bacon and she pulled the necessary ingredients before putting on a pot of coffee. Robotically, she started on breakfast having made the morning meal many times before. She became lost in her own world thinking about nothing in particular. She was in the middle of cooking the bacon when a coldness wrapped around her middle causing her to jump and gasp.

"Morning doll." Came a rough voice from behind her. She instantly relaxed into his embrace and he peppered kisses along the left side of her neck and he brought his flesh arm around her waist and tightened his grip.

"Smells wonderful." He said in between kisses. She giggled and scooped the bacon on the plate and turned around. She stood up on her tip-toes and gave a quick kiss to his lips.

"Would you set the table for me darling?" She asked. He nodded and leaned down to kiss her nose and turned to get plates and cutlery.

Bucky never said much in the morning and neither did she. On weekdays he went to the gym with Steve around 6 AM. On the weekends, like today, they typically just enjoyed each others company with gentle touches and soft caresses; opting to lay in bed until noon. They had been together for a little over a year now and their honeymoon phase never did end. Of course they had their little arguments like how Bucky would always leave his plate in the sink with out rinsing it instead of putting it in the dishwasher or how she had a bad habit of leaving her shoes around the apartment but they never lasted long and always ended with kisses, giggles, and 'I love you's.'

Bucky helped her get the food on the table and she poured two mugs of coffee. Hers with milk and some blue agave syrup and Bucky just plain black. They sat next to each other at the kitchen table and held hands as they ate. Her thumb rubbing circles on the back of his hand.

These were her favorite times with Bucky. These quiet, calm mornings doing something so domestic with the superhero. The morning sun came through the window giving the kitchen a bright and cheery look. The sun shone onto he kitchen table, illuminating the yellow daffodils in the vase. She would have to change the water today and clip the ends of the stems; she made a mental note to herself.

They ate in silence and then they heard a soft 'meow.' Both looked down in between them to see Heidi, her cat who had taken quite the liking to her mistress' boyfriend, was staring intently at the piece of bacon Bucky was holding up to his mouth. He chuckled and put the bacon down and let go of her hand before bending down and picking up the slightly overweight feline. She reached over and scratched behind her familiar's ear. Her cat closed her eyes and purred loudly. Bucky took his free hand that wasn't holding Heidi and broke off a piece of bacon and held it up to the cat's mouth who had immediately devoured the little piece.

"You know, she was never this spoiled before you." She mused, rubbing the underside of her fur-baby's chin.

"Nah, she's not spoiled. Just well taken care of." He said laughing a little. You rolled your eyes and scooted your chair closer to Bucky and laid your head on his shoulder, eating the last of her bacon and sighing contently. She looked up and admired his ice blue eyes. They had the power to pierce her soul from just looking at her and his jawline which was slightly hidden by his stubble could cut a diamond. Yes, his features were hard and sharp but in these moments, when he smiled, and his eyes were filled with happiness, she couldn't help but marvel at how handsome he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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