More otp things

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1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl?
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
5. Who usually has nightmares?
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? 
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)?
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour?
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
14. Who kills the spiders?
15. Who is scared of the dark?
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms?
17. Who works/ Who stays at home?
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person?
19. Who loves to call the other one cute names?
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive?
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)?
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day?
23. Who asks who out on the first date?
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? 
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food?
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?
28. Who is the book worm?
29. Who is the better cook?
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
31. Who is more affectionate?
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation?
33. Who would wear “not guilty” t-shirt/ Who would wear “sin” t-shirt?
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
36. Who is the social media addict?
37. Height difference or age difference?
38. Who likes to star gaze?
39. Who buys cereal for the prize inside?
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
41. Who cries during sad movies? 
42. Who is the neat freak?
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
44. Who is active/ Who is lazy?
45. Who is more likely to get drunk?
46. Who has the longer food order?
47. Who has the more complex coffee order?
48. Who loses stuff?
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger?
50. Who is the hopeless romantic?

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