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jungkook let out a groan, slowly opening his eyes. "h-hyung?" he whispered, looking at the older male. taehyung looked at him surprised, but then a smile creeped onto his face.

"i was so worried," he mumbled, helping the younger male sit up. "why didn't you tell me that you were feeling down earlier?" he asked, giving jungkook a glass of water.

"i didn't feel that bad earlier.. it just happened," jungkook said, confused. "hmm okay, do you wanna go shopping later?" taehyung asks, changing the topic before jungkook could say anything else.

"yeah! can we get some scented candles hyung?" jungkook asks, pouting at taehyung. taehyung hums, "please hyung!" jungkook whines, and taehyung chuckles.

"fine, i'll buy you some." taehyung grins, hugging the younger male. "go shower and get ready, i'll be downstairs." he says, kissing his lips, grabbing a sweater which was lying on the floor and slipping it on.

taehyung walked downstairs, letting out a sigh of relief. at least he hadn't killed jungkook yet.

"hyung? i'm ready," jungkook said, running down the stairs. taehyung frowned, "baby, i've told you so many times to not run down the stairs, you might get hurt!" he says. jungkook smiles sheepishly, "sorry hyung."

after a few minutes, they reached the mall.

"look! they have more scented candles!" jungkook said, tugging on taehyung's sweater. taehyung looked down at him, smiling.

he wanted to chop jungkook's hands off, he wanted to scream at the younger and tell him to keep his clean hands off him.

"do you wanna go there, guk?" taehyung asked, holding the younger's hand. he gave it a light squeeze.

"i think i want to get this one!" jungkook said, holding a purple coloured candle in his palm. "it smells good," he exclaimed, holding out the candle. "smell it!" he ushered, smiling at the older male cutely.

taehyung smiled, sniffing it. "it smells great!" he said, and after buying a few other things, they left, going back to jungkook's house.

jimin wondered how much longer taehyung was going to hold himself back.

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