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Hi all, 

One of the most interesting things about writing this book so far, are the kinds of conversations it's causing people to start having in the comments section and with me directly. I really didn't expect it. 

Since this book is set in the Middle East and I am going to be drawing very heavily on that culture, as well as their myths and legends- I'm having a lot of Arab readers and Muslims start reading and commenting- which is great. 

So many have been commenting to me about how happy they are that  someone is finally painting them in a positive light- one that isn't tarred with shades of 'terrorism'. That someone is focusing on stuff other than the negative. Some readers have been talking to each other, sharing their personal stories of Islamaphobia with each other and encouraging each other- which is amazing. 

I know that this is a very, VERY VERY sensitive issue in the world at the moment, and I ask you all very seriously, to remain kind and considerate and tolerant of each other's thoughts and feelings here. In my experience, Wattpad has always been a place where people come together and share their similarities, not their differences.  It has always been a very kind and caring community, that has always been nonjudgemental. And I ask that we keep that up! 

I would love you all to continue talking to each other about issues of Islamaphobia (as  Muslims and non-Muslim)  Share experiences with each other, ask questions and offer support!  I would love non Muslin readers to start interacting with Muslim readers and getting to know each other better. But let me send out a warning here; I will not tolerate any hateful comments. I will not tolerate angry judgments made in the name of race and religion towards others. 

So let's all enjoy this book. Let's all come together and continue to share our stories and have very much-needed conversations with each other. But let's do it with love and respect- always.  Let's do it the Wattpad way!



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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