Jacob pov
I'm home now
India pov
Me n lala at jacob house or whatever
Lala:-fallin asleep on jacob shoulder-
Jacob:ima take her upstairs
Jacob:-takes her upstairs in her room n lays her in her bed n then goes back downstairs-
India:-watching tv
Jacob:-sits on the couch n gets on his phone-
India:-lays on his chest-
Jacob:-still on his phone-
India:-starts watching tv again-
Jacob:-puts his phone down n watches tv-
India:-curls up while putting her knees up
Jacob:-still doin the same-
Jacob:what's wrong
Jacob:oh-turns her face towards him-
India:-looks at him
Jacob:-kisses her softly n slowly-
India:-kisses back then pulls away-I feel so guilty
India:no it's okay
Jacob:okkkk-gets on his phone since somebody texted him-
India:-watches tv-
Jacob:-still texting tht person then puts his phone down mad af-
India:Whts wring
Jacob:-gets a text message n picks his phone up n texts the person n he gets even more mad-India tell ya fuckin boyfriend to stop texting my phone
India:-sighs-rd-grabs her phone m tells sean to stop texting jacob phone-Wht he say to u
Jacob:to stay away from u n my fuckin daughter...n if I come near y'all it's gon b a problem
India:latifah is not his child so Wht is his problem and I'm grown so
Jacob:well u tell him tht
India:-calls sean-sean listen latifah is not ya child n I'm my own woman so u dnt own me nor lala
Sean:whatever yo...ima kill ya daughter dad if he come near u
India:no your not sean
Sean:y r u taking up for him
Jacob:-lays his head on her shoulder-
India:because sean thts my baby daddy n lala father
Sean:n I'm ya fuckin boyfriend
India:sean can you calm down
Sean:no I can't...come home right the fuck now
India:no sean
Sean:rd yo I'm done
India:sean if i come home dnt lay a finger on jacob got me
Sean:ima do what I want
India:sean stop-stands up-sean dnt do it
Sean:fuck u n this relationship..I'm done wit it...it's not me it's u
India:no it's u not me bye-starts crying then hangs up the phone
Jacob:what happened
India:he broke up with me cuz I told him not to touch u
Jacob:well u can always go back wit him n it's not like I told u to tell him not to touch me I told u to tell him to stop texting my phone
India:no......i actually wanna be with u
Jacob:u do???
India:yea if u want to
Jacob:then Ig ur mine
India:no I kno I'm yours
Jacob:-slightly laughs-
India:-sits down
Lala:-wakes up n goes downstairs-mommy
Lala:do we still live wit sean
India:no y
Lala:I wana live wit daddy
Lala:r u daddy's girlfiend
India;stop asking so many ?'s
Lala:-laughs n runs over to her mom n dad n jumps on her dad n puts her feet on her mom-
India:-drinks some of jacob water
Jacob:y u drink my stuff
Jacob:I dnt kno where ya lips been
India:on sean
Jacob:exactly...so y u drink my water
Jacob:-gets up wit lala still on him n goes in the kitchen n gets another water then goes back in the living room n sits back down-

Bestfriends (india westbrooks story)
FanfictionThis story is about jacob and India and how they fell in love with each other