lost girl

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One day there was a little girl she was cry because She lost her mom. A little boy walk up to her and ask " what's wrong."
the girl said "Im lost I cant find my mom" as she was still cry. He hugs her and said "It is ok I be here for you until your mom show's up." she looked up at him and she said " what is your name?"

he said" my name is Jackson whats your?"

she said "Rose" Jackson look at her and smiles. Rose starts to fall asleep and then Jackson heard a  woman call for Rose

Jackson said "she is overhere Rose is  overhere " the woman was Rose mom she was crying

Jackson said "Rose was crying and I helped her not to worry because I know you will be looking for her. " The woman looked at him and said thank you she gettes worry a lot and I dont know how I lost her we were waiting In side until her dad job until he gets off work And I think she wondered  off ."

Jackson said" it is ok and oh I see .I hope I see her again. " woman get Rose and said" yeah one day " she walk away with rose and Jackson walks home looks at the sky and  smiles "I  hope "

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