Chapter 2: The New Friends

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(Sonic P. O. V.)

I glanced over to (Y/N) Who was tapping her foot rapidly on the carpet of the floor. I smiled, holding in a laugh. She was "impatient" (as everyone called it) like me. Strangely, I felt something in me, it was crazy since we only met a couple seconds ago, but, I felt like I knew her. She was so familiar, yet, I couldn't recognize it. I looked to the right of me and thought long and hard about who (Y/N) was, and why she was so interesting to me.....

(Your P. O. V)

I sighed impatiently, tapping my foot against the plain, gray carpet. The lady at the front counter left as soon as Sonic and I walked in. Though it was only two minutes that we stood there, to me it was like two centuries.

I looked over to Sonic, who was in deep thought. I tapped his shoulder, which caused him to break his concentration and look at me.

"Yeah (Y/N)? What's up?" He asked.

"I just wanted to tell you thanks." I told him smiling.

"Huh? For what?" He teased. He put his hands behind his head and smirked.

"For saving me from Knuckles of course!" I replied, "I think I would be in the nurse's office if you didn't come by."

Sonic smiled, "It was nothing, besides, Knuckles has gotta learn to control his temper. Though I wouldn't mind the excitement." I giggled.

"Does that happen all the time?" I asked.


It was silent for a minute until I spoke up again. "I'm really sorry...." I mumbled, "You're late to class now because of me...." Sonic chuckled.

"It's alright (Y/N)! Besides, if we're in the same class together I can make up an excuse on why I was late. It's a win-win for me!" He said, making me softly giggle.

Soon after the lady came back, sitting down in her chair. After typing on her computer for a minute or so,  she looked up to us.

"Can I help you two with something?" She asked, sounding pretty bored and annoyed. I smiled awkwardly. "Hi, um, I'm here to get my sched-" I started, but she innterupted me, looking to Sonic. "What did you do this time Sonic?" The lady asked. I looked over to Sonic who was denying it while waving his hands.

"Nothing, Ms. Lopez,  I just was helping out (Y/N) to get her schedule." Sonic said.

Ms. Lopez looked to me, "Are you (Y/N)? The new girl?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered. Ms. Lopez sighed and looked back to the computer.

"Your counselor is Mr. Notovie...." She told me, then walked away. I gave Sonic a confused look, who then raised his arms. She came back a second after, holding a slip of paper,"Here's your schedule."

She handed me the paper which I took.

"T-thank you." I replied, "W-who is-"

"Sonic will help you with where you need to be, your locker is number 456 and the combination is 24- 15- 10, and you have first lunch. Have a nice day and welcome to Mobian High." She said, innterupting me again. She then went back to typing on her computer.

"B-but who is-" I began to say, again, when Sonic grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the office. "Thanks Ms. Lopez! See ya later!" Sonic said, waving. "Hopefully not Sonic, hopefully not." She replied, still staring at her computer. Sonic then closed the door.

"W-What was that about Soni-?" I asked, when he put his finger on his lips.

"Shh," He told me, looking around. I started to feel a little uneasy and looked at him.

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