Goodbye, My Love (KTH)

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  Two years ago, 10 minutes right before he turns 20, Taehyung, only wrapped in his favorite long brown coat was waiting in front of the park's entrance

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Two years ago, 10 minutes right before he turns 20, Taehyung, only wrapped in his favorite long brown coat was waiting in front of the park's entrance. His neck almost broke from looking around, searching for a certain face. He had been waiting for more than two hours now, the white roses which he bought fresh and bright in color were now withering because of the coldness. Taehyung felt his hands getting numb because of the freezing weather. But who was he waiting for?
He got tired but he never felt disheartened. He had high hopes. He knew that the odds won't be against him tonight because it's his birthday. He kept that warm smile of his on his cold face. Blood almost left his cheeks.
"Taehyung-ie?" A voice appeared and his cold body became warm again. His energy rose up, so did his hopes. The flowers which he thought lost its life and beauty came back to life when the sole reason of his endless waiting finally came. She was wearing a white dress, the same dress she wore when he first saw her as a woman. Her hair was flowing straight, black and pretty.
"Pretty Seul~" He spoke, his voice almost croaked and immediately cleared his throat before speaking again. "A-are you cold?" He asked as he immediately took his coat off. He was freezing to death yet he still thought of giving her his coat. Seul, the girl whom he was waiting for quickly ran to give him a warm hug. Taehyung paused and he could feel his heart raced when her small frame was close to his body. His cheeks flushed, his hopes were getting high again.
"N-no. It's okay. I'm not cold Taehyung-ie." She smiled as she pulled away, still holding onto his shoulders. White smoke appeared from her mouth as she exhales, staring at the young man's face as she gave him a warm smile. "Why are you out here waiting for me in the cold?"
Taehyung's smile widened and gave her the flowers instead of answering her question.
"For me? What's the occasion?" She asked, as she hugged the bouquet and smelled it. "They're beautiful. Thanks."
"It's my birthday in three minutes." He said, this time Taehyung was starting to feel nervous. Seul just stared at him waiting for him to continue.
"Oh! Yes! How come I didn't remember this?" She sighed heavily. Upset that she didn't remember his birthday when she has been all his friend for years. "Sorry, Taehyung-ie. I totally forgot."
"It's okay." Even though Taehyung felt a sharp prick on his chest when she said that, he understood. "I have a wish on my birthday."
"But we don't have a cake and a candle!"
Taehyung immediately pulled out a lighter from his pocket. He took it from his brother's room since he was underage to buy it from the store. "I can use this!"
"Aigoo," Seul cooed and pat his head. "You're going to get trouble with this,"
"Ani- ani." He shook his head chuckling. He checked his wristwatch to check the time and it was already three minutes past 12. "Oh! It's time."
"Really?? Quickly! Make a wish!"
Taehyung nodded and prepared his heart and mind for his confession that he has been thinking of doing for long. He has been in love with his best friend since God only knows when. She was there for him most of the times, and he wanted to be selfish of her.
Because of her, he wanted to be a filmmaker. He wanted to make films that she will love. He wanted to record moments that only happens once. He wanted to treasure those smiles using his camera.
The light was on and Taehyung only got at least 5 seconds to make a wish. "Here I go." He said and closed his eyes, telling his heart to be ready and brave. Seul was waiting for him eagerly with her beautiful smile. "My birthday wish is..."
"Eh? What are you guys doing?" A man's voice appeared from the other side, cutting Taehyung's thoughts. He turned to look who it was, he found his older brother Namjoon walking down the hill. The tall and perfect built figure was approaching them with loud steps.
Taehyung heard Seul chimed and ran towards his brother. He didn't know what was going on and why was Namjoon here. "Hyung.." But before he could continue, he saw the two held hands and hugged each other.
This time, Taehyung was disheartened. He had never experienced pain like this until now. Why? Out of all people in this world, why Namjoon? Why his brother?
"I couldn't find my lil brother at home. I want to give him something." Namjoon said as he hugged Taehyung as well. "Happy birthday Taetae."
His heart was crying but he couldn't show it to him, not to his brother that he has been looking up to since he was little. Namjoon handed him a box wrapped in blue polka dots paper. He was grinning as he gave it to him. "What is this?" Taehyung asked.
"Open it first!" Namjoon said and so Taehyung did. He was greeted by a new camcorder, the one that he has been dying to buy since then. His heart somehow felt joyous because of this present that he couldn't help but smile widely and hugged Namjoon.
The two pulled away and for Namjoon, he immediately held Seul's hand and pulled her close to his side. "Well I think this is a good timing Taetae, but you know, as you can see.."
"Oh hyung, when did you start dating?" Taehyung cut him off, he was trying his best to smile widely. He wanted to conceal his crying heart with his wide smile.
"Well, we've been together for 4 hours." Namjoon smiled as he playfully nudged Seul to his side. Seul was embarrassed. Her cheeks flushing red as she exchanged looks at her boyfriend.
Taehyung almost choked on his own tears. He smiled again, his cheeks were starting to hurt. He has never smiled this forcefully before. If only he confessed earlier, he would have the chance to win Seul's heart. But, why didn't he know that Namjoon and he are in love with the same girl?
"Taehyung-ie, we're going to the diner. Wanna join us?" Seul asked she hugged Namjoon's arm.
Taehyung shook his head. This was the time he is with himself. "I made plans with Jungkook. He said we're going to the arcade." He lied, Jungkook, his friend doesn't even exist. His world revolved around Namjoon and Seul. For him, they were enough.
"Are you sure? We can have hot chocolate. It's your favorite." Namjoon insisted. For once, Taehyung hated him. He hated Namjoon for being so nice yet inconsiderate.
"I'm fine. I'll be back by 3 am." He said and immediately took off, without looking back. The moment he walked away, he cried. His tears comforted his cold cheeks as he hugged Namjoon's birthday present for him. He didn't go anywhere except to the swing set he and Seul used to play together. He cried to his heart's content. When he calmed down, he opened the box once again and turned the camera on.
"Is this recording?" He asked himself as he checked the camera, and he knew as working, he wiped his tears with his sleeve and smiled at the camera. "Hi, it's me Kim Taehyung. I just turned 20 tonight. This is my first camcorder. Thanks to Namjoon hyung. And this is also my first heartache. Thanks, Namjoon-hyung." He managed to smile at the end before he ended the recording and decided to go home.
Time went by, Taehyung moved on and accepted the fact that Seul and Namjoon are for each other. But still, his feelings for Seul was there. He decided to keep his feelings for himself and wait for the perfect time.
On their 100th day, Seul and Namjoon decided to go out on a day trip together with Taehyung. Of course, they couldn't leave without Taehyung.
Taehyung brought his camcorder with him. He wanted to record moments of them. On the bus while on their way to a beach in Busan, Namjoon was doing magic tricks and selcas with Seul. She looked very happy and Taehyung captured that moment with his camcorder, only focusing on Seul. He smiled at the sight of her so happy. That's only what he wants. To see her happy.
"Taehyung-ie! Come here!" She shouted and pat the empty space beside her. "Join us."
"It's okay!" Taehyung said off-camera. Seul squinted his eyes at him, looking straight to the lenses making Taehyung gave up and sat beside her. "Happy?" He said as he settled beside her. She nodded and hugged his arm.
Namjoon was shuffling his playing cards as he talked to Seul. Taehyung has left out of place once again and decided to record a video once more.
Sooner, they arrived at the beach. They were all so happy. The couple ran to the shore hand in hand and Taehyung followed their tail, still recording every second. Taehyung couldn't run that fast so he walked instead. From afar, he could hear how Namjoon told Seul about the meaning of the Ace of Hearts. Taehyung smiled as he was the one who told Namjoon about it, and how Seul was interested about it. He knew everything about the cards and their meanings. Then, Namjoon decided to play with Seul.
Taehyung arrived and he asked Namjoon if he can join which his brother happily agreed. The rule was, out of all the cards, they have to pick one with looking at it. It's either they change it or not. What will happen next, they will show their card to Namjoon and he will tell the meaning of the card they have chosen.
"I will choose first!" Seul raised her arm and pulled a card from the deck Namjoon was holding. She got the ace of hearts.
Taehyung was next. He got everything recorded, he pulled out a card and got the second Joker. His smile ceased as he knew the meaning of this card 'death'.
"Taehyung-ie what did you get?" Seul asked and about to check his card but he immediately hid it and grabbed the whole deck of cards from Namjoon's hand and ran away.
"Ya! Kim Taehyung!"
Taehyung laughed as he ran away from them. For a moment, he captured a shot of Namjoon looking so happy. In his mind, he thought of thanking his brother for being his best friend since birth. And Seul, who was the most beautiful girl in his life, he wanted to say how he feels about her.
Namjoon and Seul were chasing him and at the same time Taehyung as running away from them, without looking to where he was going.
"TAEHYUNG!" Namjoon shouted he was waving his hand, pointing somewhere to his right. Taehyung wouldn't have understood him if he didn't zoom the video in. "GET OFF THE ROAD!" He heard him and Taehyung, he quickly turned to the side and saw a truck moving towards him.

After a month of Taehyung's burial. Seul and Namjoon stayed in his room quietly. Both of them didn't even bother to speak. They still couldn't believe that Taehyung was gone.
Namjoon who was upset and depressed because of his little brother gone, couldn't even look at Seul. It was all too much for him and decided to leave the room for awhile.
Seul understood him and let him alone for awhile. She knew he needed space. Even her, she couldn't believe Taehyung would be gone. Why is life so unfair for him? He was young. But why?
Seul was looking around Taehyung's room and saw their pictures since they were young. She couldn't help but smile as those pictures made her remember the past. They were all so happy until she noticed a shoebox that was labeled 'tapes'. He pulled it out and looked through the tapes Taehyung had been keeping the whole time. She found the tape that was taken from his birthday until he got into an accident.
She opened the television and the player. Her heart was pounding so fast as she waited for the tape to start. Her heart clenched when the first part appeared. It was the day of his birthday, he was crying.
"First heartache?" She began to sob as the video went on. The next one was with Namjoon and him, talking about how to say I love you to someone. Well, Namjoon, being an experienced person in dating gave his little brother a solid advice but Taehyung found it silly. Seul couldn't help but laugh at it. "Aigoo, you could have just told me in your own way.." She said, talking to the video.
The next thing was during their trip to the beach. She didn't expect she'd see her face all the time. Taehyung has been recording her alone all the time. "You pervert.." She cried, how she wanted to scold him for recording like that, but it was all too late. "Stupid Taehyung.."
They were at the beach and she saw herself running to the shore with Namjoon and Taehyung's heavy breaths can be heard.
'Ahhh! Why do they run so fast?'
She heard him complain off screen.
Then again, it was a scene of her smiling once again.
'Pretty~ Seul.' He heard her commented from the video. She gasped when she felt like he was beside her. She cried harder as her heart continues to cry for him. "Taehyung-ie.."
'My best friend is so pretty~'
Taehyung soon came to them and pulled out a card from Namjoon's hand. Seul remembered what card she got that time it was the ace of hearts. And Taehyung, he showed his card on the camera and it was the second trump. She didn't know the meaning at first but she got the idea after Namjoon told her about it, not only with her card but all the cards in the deck.
She realized Taehyung got scared and messed with the cards Namjoon was holding and ran away.
'Thank you Namjoon hyung.' She heard her voice again, thanking for something he only knows.
She knew the video was coming to an end and she didn't want to see it, but she heard Taehyung called her.
She looked at the screen once again and there went the truck hit him and it was all recorded in that video. But she didn't expect the video won't end like that. She heard him still breathing and the camera was moving until it was facing him. Taehyung was still smiling despite his condition. Seul was crying so hard that she didn't want to continue watching this, but it felt like she has to. It's been a long while since she listened to him. She didn't notice that she'd been missing Taehyung all this time.
'Seul, don't cry...I love you.' 


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