In the back of the mind of every person there is always a small voice speaking to them, it is often referred to as a concious but whatever it really it, mine ceases to exist. The boy that moved in next door has my thoughts running rampent. His eyes the color of the sea, kind and entrancing. My mother made me take Aiden my little brother over to introduce ourselves a few days after they had moved in and when he answered the door I was speechless. He had a huge smile on his face, nothing but a pair of swim trunks on and a very attractive figure. I introduced myself, "Hi we are your neighbors, I am Sarah and this is my little brother Aiden" he gave Aiden a high five which made me smile a little and then he glanced up at me. I thought he had a little bit of a smirk on his face, but I wasn't sure if that was maybe just the way he smiled. Then he spoke, "Hi my name is Nash, my family is in the backyard swimming in the pool. Do you want to go put on your swim suits and join us?" Aidens face immediatly lit up. I of course had to say yes, I had a new swim suit that I was dying to show off, and Aiden was so hard to deny so we went back home changed into our suits and hurried back over. I went to the front door but Nash was standing at the back gate waiting for us, he looked up from my feet to my face, I knew what he was probably thinking. It made me blush... Aiden ran up to Nash and said something to him that I couldn't quite make out, but either way it made them both laugh and damn that boys laugh was so cute. I made my way across the yard and then we all went around back to the pool.
To be continued...