Loyal to the End

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In the faraway land of Crypton, there was a wealthy kingdom that was ruled by a satisfied couple. They had a son named Gakupo who was determined to live life to its fullest.

"Luka! Luka!" In the courtyard of the palace, an eight year old boy with shoulder length purple hair and vivid violet eyes chased after a little pink haired girl with clear blue eyes. The girl, Luka, was one of Prince Gakupo's closest friends and the two were practically joined at the hip. Luka was the daughter of the weapons master of the palace, so the two children were extremely close. Gakupo and Luka both enjoyed visiting Luka's father in the weapons room and playing with the swords. Of course, they took lessons and were perfectly qualified to do so. The children also had beautiful voices for their age so music lessons were something they had frequently.

As of right now, Gakupo finally caught up to Luka and they lay panting in the grass for a while. The prince turned onto his side and firmly stated, "Luka, you will stay by my side always. Even when I die, I want you there!"

Luka reached out a little hand and took Gakupo's. She smiled and answered, "Of course! You can count on it!"

The two children embraced tightly and snuggled together in the grass. Little did they know that a sorceress that happened to be lurking nearby happened to hear this. This adorable act melted her heart a little and she cast a spell, "At the age of eighteen when the prince becomes an adult, he shall fall and the only one who truly loves him will be able to bring him back."

Nine Years Later
Gakupo, now seventeen, strode into the throne room of the palace with purpose. After all those years, he still remembered Luka's and his promise. The promise that definitely wasn't broken yet. When he entered, his sight was greeted by a blur of pink who quickly knelt at his feet. Gakupo, surprised, glanced down and almost rolled his eyes. Of course Luka would be the first to come. Luka's pink hair was unmistakable and it was also normal considering she was one of his personal guards. However, Gakupo was an expert swordsman so her skills were hardly necessary. His other guards consisted of a blue haired man named Kaito, who was strangely obsessed with ice cream? The other was a kindhearted girl named Miku. Although both were too shy to admit it, Miku and Kaito got along too well to just be friends.

A hand waved itself in Gakupo's face as he snapped back to the present. Luka had risen and was trying to get his attention. She was tall for a girl, even taller than some of the men in the palace, but Gakupo still towered over her by a few inches. He smiled innocently at her, causing her to huff in annoyance and practically drag him off. The prince looked at his guard and thought about how she developed quite well, with sharp features and soft hair that was always kept in a long braid.

Luka was very exasperated. The prince was late for the meeting! Just as she thought about telling Kaito to fetch him, the doors to the throne room opened and the prince walked in. For a split second, Luka's breath caught in her throat at how he looked with his long purple hair tied in a high ponytail and the fancy clothes he wore. At least he took the time to properly dress in a violet tailcoat and white pants with tall black boots. Luka shook her head -this was her prince she was talking about!- and rushed to kneel at his feet. Luka hated dresses and always wore a tunic and leggings, easily enabling her to move quickly when necessary. When she finally rose to see Gakupo staring into space, she gave up and tried to get his attention.

When his vibrant eyes finally snapped to her face, she couldn't help but blush a little, it wasn't as if his highness was ugly -in fact quite the opposite- and she took ahold of his wrist and nearly ran to the meeting room. The doors burst open and the two took a while to catch their breath. Everyone inside the room turned their heads to the duo and finally the queen said, "Um, my son, Luka, please take a seat. We were just about to start."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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