Chapter One

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(That's what Nathan where's except for the hair he where's like a butterfly crown thing)

Ever since being let out of the 'asylum' more like torture house as far as Nathan was concerned, by Fish he doesn't know what to do. People keep staring at him like he's weird even though his wings aren't out.

Even though his skirt is all torn up and dirty and his crop top has small rips in it, and his heels have terned into flats. He still has no idea why they stair at him he's seen a lot of people with torn up cloths, he's no different.

Nathan walks down the street getting odd glances and stairs making him feel uncomfortable and worthless for some reason. He terns down an alley to get away from the judging glances only to be pined to the alley wall by an old looking guy with bad breath.

Nathan let's out a tiny whimper, knowing it's dark enough that no one would see them and even if they did they wouldn't help. "I-i do-n-ont have a-any money." Nathan whispers quite. "I'm not gonna hurt you baby, I'm just gonna fuck you." The guy says.

Nathan whimpers as a tear falls down his face. Nathan's never been touched like that he's a very innocent boy. Nathana whimpers get louder as the old guy reaches his hand up Nathan's skirt. "Please don't." Nathan whispers quietly scared at what's to come. "Oh baby don't be like that, I'm gonna make you feel really good."

Suddenly the guys pulled off of Nathan making him fall to the ground. Soon after they old guy is running down the alley away from the boy now in front of Nathan offering him a hand.

Nathan quickly takes his hand being pulled up by the boy with perfect brown hair. "Thank you." Nathan whispers. "It's no problem, do you have anywhere to go? You look like you haven't showered in ages." The boy around Nathan's age states making Nathan blush. "No, but that's okay I guess." Nathan says looking down.

"You can stay with me if you'd like, my butler would not mind and we have the space." Nathan looks up with a small hint of a smile his eyes widened slightly. "Really? Most people have been looking at me like I'm weird and I don't know why but I just figured no one would be nice to me. But you are. Thank you."

Nathan says in a barely there whisper. "Really, come on. My butler is waiting we where getting chines take out and he went to get the car I just herd something so I cam to check it out."

Nathan gives a tiny smile. "I'm glad you did." Nathan says. "What's your name?" Nathan asks quietly, and he almost didn't here. "Bruce, what's yours?" Nathan smiles lightly. "It's Nathan." He responded as they walk out of the alley. Alfred pulls up as soon as they walk out.

Bruce opens the back door for Nathan befor walking to the other side and getting in. "Master B, who's that?" Alfred questions. "He has no where to go, this is Nathan he'll be staying with us." Alfred raises an eyebrow. "Remember last time you let a stranger stay with us?"

Bruce glares slightly. "Alfred he's staying with us." Alfred just nods befor they both notice Nathan is asleep and soon falls over so his head is in Bruce's lap. Bruce blushes lightly fixing his head and the rest of his body so he'll be more comfortable.

"Master B, you just gave Nathan a look you usually give Selina, is there anything you'd like to tell me?" Alfred questions half joking half not. "No Alfred, I am not haveing this conversation. I do not like Selina in more then a friend way and I do not like Nathan in more then a friend way."

Bruce clarified looking away and outside the window absent-mindedly running his hand through Nathan's hair messing with it. Alfred watches Bruce seeing the act smirking to himself thing stuff along the lines of, I new it, and, I told mister Wayne he was going to be gay.

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