fun and games

510 24 1

we get our bagels and get home. I eat my bagel and I text Ademir. Ademir is like a brother to me.

Y/N: hey Ademir. are you doing alright?

A: no. I feel unloved.

Y/N: come over mikeys house. we can all hang out. maybe even go to seaside?

A:okay. ill be there soon.

~~text scene over ~~

y/n: hey Mikey

M: yeah babe?

y/n: Ademir's coming over.

m: oh. I heard his girlfriend cheated on him.

y/n: yeah. I invited him over so we can cheer him up.

m: that's nice.

he's on his laptop. not paying attention, so I say,


m: WHAT?

y/n: pay attention to what I'm saying.

m: ugh. I'm gonna tell Jake to come over.

y/n: okay.

he pulls out his phone and starts texting Jake.

Y/N: when they get here lets go to seaside.

M: good idea.

I grab my phone and say,

Y/N: lets take a selfie.

M: okay.

I kiss his cheek and take the photo. I look at the photo

Y/N: omg it turned out so cute!

M: tag me in it.

Y/N: I will.

I tag Mikey and I add the caption,

"my man. I love him so much and I hope he doesn't leave me anytime soon."

and post. I smile. I hear a knock on the door.

Mikey and Y/N: come in!

Jake and Ademir walk in.

Y/N: hey Ademir! sup Jake!

M: wassgood!

J: hey.

A: sup.

we all hug and do all that shit.

~~time skip to seaside~~

we get to seaside and I whisper to Mikey,

Y/N: should I yell the floor is lava?

M: yes.

he smirks and glares at Jake and then Ademir.

Jake: what?


Jake runs and jumps on a trashcan and everyone else scatters and jumps on stuff.


we see a cop coming so we run.

I get lost and I start to freak out.


~Mikey's POV~

I'm running and then I realize I lost the cop... AND Y/N?!??!


I hear a faint yelling and it keeps getting louder. It sounds like my name but I'm not to sure.


I bump into someone and I turn around. its Y/N.

M: Y/N!

I hug her as tight as I can.

M: I was so worried.

Y/N: you were worried? I thought that I would never see you again.

I kiss her. she smiles and says

Y/N: can I play the balloon pop game?

M: sure babygirl.

~~Your POV~~

did he just call me babygirl? omg. he did. wow. we walk over to the game and Mikey gives the vendor 5 dollars for 10 darts.

Vendor: you have to pop 5 balloons to win. If there is extra darts, you may throw them and try to win a second prize.

Y/N: alright.

I throw a dart. a balloon pops. I throw another dart, a balloon pops.

Mikey throws two at a time, two balloons pop. I throw one more dart, and the balloon pops.

I smile and say,

Y/N: I want the purple squirrel.

the vendor hands me the squirrel and asks,

Vendor: will you be using these darts to win again?

there happened to be a little girl and her mom walking by. she was whining about wanting to play the game I go up to her mom and say,

Y/N: m'am?

lady: yes?

Y/N: I have extra darts. would you like for me to win something for your daughter?

lady: ugh. sure I guess. what do you want Lili?

little girl: rainbow llama.

Y/N: okay.

I play again and I win the rainbow llama and give it to the little girl.

lady: thank you.

Y/N: no problem!

and I walk off.

M: you did the right thing.

Y/N: yep.

we spend the rest of the day hanging out at seaside and then we go home.

when we get home I sit next to Mikey, I lean on him and then slowly drift asleep.

YT Academey (A Mikey Manfs x Reader FanFic.)Where stories live. Discover now