Chapter 2 ~ What Are We In, The 1960's?

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(This chapter is dedicated to "MelTheBookAddict" for the inspiration she's been)

Also- pic of us on the side! ----> ------> ------> (Ori in front, Rae in back)

Thanks again to all the lovely readers, and sooooooo sorry for the long wait! But we're back!




Chapter 2 ~ What Are We In, The 1960's?


Many novels, movies, etcetera, describe school lunches as being something mysterious; mush even. It may be a gross green or a #2 sort of brown. Gross right? There is even a certain meaty substance called "mystery meat'. If you go to a school like this, please do two things.

1) inform me immediatey, so that I can keep a safe distance.

and 2) call the cops. I would assume it's against the law to kill kids with dangerous "mysterious foods".

However, at my school, it is not the case.

That explains why I'm carrying a large tray of over-the-top deliciousness; chicken-tender sandwich with a large side of tater-tots and a cherry Dr. Pepper. yup, you heard me. And for desert, a large Hershey kisses sundae. What can I say? My school rocks.

Considering the crappy morning I had with the she-devil, I think I deserve the treat. I never usually splurge like this, but I felt like crap so I thought I'd feel better if I fueled myself with crap. 

And I felt the need to treat myself after what happened earlier, if you know what I mean...

I actually don't feel that embarrassed about what happened earlier. After all, my nickname here at school is Miss Clutzy. Yeah, I know, it's cliche. But whatever. I deal with it. So anyway, back to the point; my tripping ealier was hardly a surprise.

I search around the lunchroom for my Kenzie, spotting her a few feet away, surrounded by guys. No surprise there. She did win Miss Junior last year, after all. And here in Brooklyne Heights, that is saying a lot.

Lets just say, three years ago they had to cancel the beauty contest because no girl was "suitable" for the award. Sad, eh? On the entry sheet it should say "only barbies allowed." Maybe then they would be satisfied.

I cautiously start to make my way to Kenzie when I hear someone right behind me.

"Jealous much?"

I whip my head around to see Evann Price smirking at me. Yes, the very guy I happened to trip in front of this morning. I swear the idiot loves to ruin my life. It doesn't help that he is always there when I make a fool of myself, either.

I despise him!

Did I mention he is also a Junior, like me. We have almost all of our classes together, and I cant reminisce about how nice next year will be without seeing him, like I can with all the other stupid, idiotic jocks. Boo. My life sucks.

"I mean, I totally get it if you are." He looks at Kenzie for a while before looking back at me. "Took you long enough." He then grabs my ice-cream and takes a bite, before starting to walk away. I breathe a sigh of relief until I see him turn around to face me, making my breath hitch and almost causing me to choke.

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