Blog: Before The Day

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Amber's POV:

The alarm clock rang with the annoying sound. I motioned my hand to the alarm to stop the alarm, but failed. I opened my left eye and saw the alarm vibrating, I groan and hit the alarm that got the alarm to stop vibrating. I sighed and sat up while cracking my back. I soon rubbed my eyes and yawned.

I soon hit my feet to the cold floor while walking to my wardrobe while grabbing a light blue shirt, with brown shorts. I soon put a jacket on, I went to the kitchen and made some eggs and bacon while I found a note on the fridge. I looked at the note:

Dear Amber,

Hey Sweetie, sorry we didn't tell you sooner but we went to a business meeting. We'll come back this Friday, don't worry your cousin, Amanda is gonna come to take care of you.

We love you Amber, call us if anything happens.

Love, Mom and Dad.

I sighed, again? I looked at the calendar, it's a Wednesday. Just for two days with that demon, I ate and brushed my teeth and hair. I soon grabbed my bag and bike, and headed to school. I parked my bike and chained it up. I sighed and headed to class.

I soon saw my only friend, she's pretty popular but she does hang out with me. I'm a 'Nerd' but I really don't talk to people unless I know them or I have to. Amy saw me, "Hi Amber!" She chirped and I waved "Hi.." I said quietly "Ready for class?" Amy smiled while I nodded "Okay! Let's go!" I followed her while some kids staring at us.

I sat down, Language Arts. My first period, I grabbed my note book "Alright everyone! Write a story while using three pages of your notebook!" Ms. Hall said, I saw kids groan of annoyance, I rolled my eyes and started to write, It was about Twins one plays the flute and the other one draws. They both wanted to get something for each other but on their birthday they got themselves things but the one who plays the flute sold her flute to give her brother a art supplies. The boy sold his art drawings to get his sister a flute case.

I soon finished and caught a kid staring at me. Charles the popular kid was reading my story, he was reading it that got me weirded out. "Excuse me.." I whispered and he looked up. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry was I staring at your paper?" I nodded and Charles looked ashamed. "I'm sorry, it's just really good!" I blushed if embarrassment.

I really don't get compliments or get really noticed, "Thank you... but I bet your story is better though." I see Charles smile. "You wanna read mine?" I looked at him "But aren't you still writing your story." I asked and he shook his head "Nah, I'm done. It's fine you can read it." He handed me his paper and I grabbed his paper gently and started to read it.

It was really good, I started to smile "It's really good." I said and his smile widen "Thanks. Hey wanna hang out after school at the Maria's Coffee?" I handed his paper "I guess. If your not busy," I answer and Charles shook his head. "I'm not busy, my sister is taking care of a kid." I smiled "Alright. See you at the bleachers?" I asked and he nodded.

The bell rang and I grabbed my stuff, "Turn in your stories!" Ms. Hall said and I went to turn in "See you later!" Charles said. Few classes past and I was going to my 7th class. Before I went to class, I went to my locker and I soon saw Amy come. "How was first period?" She asked and I smiled softly "it's was good, just later I'm gonna hang out--" I got interrupted "Hang out? With who?" She asked and I soon spoke again "With Charles Cunningham." Her eyes widen and she smiled "I heard that guy likes you," I blushed "W-What? Nah, he wouldn't." I said.

He wouldn't love someone like me, he should like other girls. Mostly, girls like Amy, I grabbed my Math book and we both headed to class.

But one thought was on my mind, but that thought was still let me pay attention in class. I sighed and closed my eyes. Does he really like me?

Words: 751

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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