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A/N: If the text has a stripe under it and is tilting , it's in french


----<JaeHyun's POV>----

Beeping... a highpitch beeping sound was the first thing I heard. As I opened my eyes they immediately meet another pair of light brown eyes and I could recognize them anywhere and everywhere.

''JAEHYUN-AAH! FINALLY YOU ARE AWAKE!'' shouted Jaehwan happily while clasping his hands over his mouth in shock.

''I knew that if I started at you long enough you would wakeup! You always hate when people stare at you while you're sleeping'' he said and did a little happy dance... just like a four-years old. But then again, JaeHwan always acted like a child. His visuals and personality were like night and day.

''YAA! CHEN JAEHWAN! WHAT DO YOU THING YOU ARE SHOUTING ABOUT!'' Another voice appeared and my other more mature brother JaeYong appeared from another room, probably the bathroom.

''Yaa! JaeYong-aah I'm still older, show some respect'' JaeHwan pouted but it only lasted about 2 seconds before it was replaced with a proud smile. ''I started at JaeHyun for like 10 minutes straight and he woke up''

''OMG HE IS AWAKE!?'' JaeYong shrieked and sprinted across the room to the other side of my bed.

''YAAA! YOU LITTLE RASCAL WHAT DO YOU THING YOU'RE DOING HUH?!'' he started to shout while pointing his finger at me. ''What..'' I asked, still not fully understanding whats happening.

''How do you think we will react when we at like 7:30 get a phone call from the HOSPITAL! saying that out little brother is bleeding from his head and he passes out from the pain from a super high fever!'' he continued and by the end he let out a huge breath and slumped down in the chair that was behind him.

''I even called HyunBin and cursed at him for not looking after you'' JaeYong confessed. ''But in french so I'm 100% he didn't understand'' Laughed JaeHwan.

''Aahhh, thats what happened'' I realizes and sat up fully. ''I'm sorry, I was being irresponsible and didn't take care of myself properly'' I apologized and did a little head bow to both of them.

'It's okay, we were just worried about yo little bro, if mom and dad were here they would have killed you for doing that'' JaeHwan said while ruffling my hair. ''You are lucky to have such good brothers as us'' he said like the true narcissist he is.

''I will go tell the doctors you're awake, be right back'' JaeYong said and went toward the white hospital door. ''Me too, be right back, I have to poop, to much happened today and it's only 5 PM'' JaeHwan chuckled and went to the private bathroom in my hospital room, I laughed silently when he said that.

Finally having a little peace, I looked around the room. It looked just like any other hospital room besides the two MacDonalds take away bags on the table, like seriously I don't understand how my brothers can be models when they eat like pigs! especially JaeHwan. But the he sun shine through the big window making it a little more welcoming.

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