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"You would have loved it Grandpa." The siblings stood in the cemetery before their grandfather's grave. They had just finished recalling their adventure finding the treasure.

"Yeah," said Ben. "We sure wish you could have seen it." He smiled and then turned to his sister. "You know, when we finally made it and were standing there in the treasure room, it kind of felt as though he was there, celebrating with us."

She smiled too. "Yeah, I felt that too." She kissed her fingertips and touched them to the gravestone. "Love you Grandpa. Proud to be a Gates."

"Proud to be a Gates," Ben agreed.


"Ten percent Ben," Riley sighed with a shake of his head. "They offered you ten percent and you turned it down." He, Ben, and Abigail were wandering the front yard of Ben and Abi's grand new property.

"Riley we've been over this," said Ben. "It was far too much, I couldn't accept it."

"You know I actually still have this splinter that's festering from an old piece of wood," Riley said, showing them his finger. "Yeah, but what do you care? You got the girl."

"It's true," Abigail said, she and Ben sharing a kiss.

"You could too," Ben told his friend. "Just ask my sister out already."

"Big news guys," said Alex, rejoining the group from taking a call. "They want us in Cairo next week for the opening of the exhibit," she announced. "They're sending a private jet."

"Ooo," said Ben.

"That's fun," agreed Abigail.

"Yeah, big whoop," said Riley sarcastically. "We could have had a whole fleet of private jets." He looked directly at Ben when he said this, it only further emphasizing his earlier point.

"Complaining again?" giggled Alex.

"Okay I'll tell you what," said Ben, stopping and facing his friend. "Next time we find a treasure that redefines history for all mankind, you make the call on the finder's fee.

"This guy's funny. Rub it in, enjoy your spoils, while I sit on one percent-" Riley turned away from them and hopped into his brand new, shining red Ferrari. Ben and Abigail got a house, he got a car. "One stinkin' percent, half of one percent actually. Unbelievable."

Ben chuckled and shook his head. "I'm sorry for your suffering Riley."

Riley turned to Alex. "Want a ride?"

"Do I ever!" She jumped into the passenger seat beside him.

"By the way Ben-" Riley put on his sunglasses. "I like the house."

"You know I chose this estate," Ben began. "Because in 1812 Charles Carroll-"

"Yeah did something in history and had fun," Riley cut in. "Right, right. Could've had a bigger house." With that, he started the car and took off.

"So, where to?" he asked.

"Hmm, let's see..." She thought for a moment.

"No more museums, or churches, or galleries," he pleaded.

This made her laugh. Oh Riley. "Alright, how about a movie then, and then dinner?"

Riley grinned. "Sounds perfect."

(The first story I've posted on here that I've finished! Yay! ;) So that's it, the end of 'Treasure Hunters'. I hope you enjoyed, thanks so much for sticking with me throughout this story, it means so much to me! And there will be a sequel coming soon, so stay tuned! Once again, thanks so much guys! Until next time!)

(Coming soon: 'Treasure Hunters: Book of Secrets')

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