Crown the Empire

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     (Your son at the top)

         There had been years since Cookie's Birthday and your baby wasn't a baby anymore. In fact Lucious had picked him to run empire. Of course that didn't run over so well with Anika because she thought Bella would be taking over. Yeah.... that didn't happen.

        There was so much controversy between the family when your son was chosen because everyone had something to say. From him not being actual kin to Lucious to him not being the first born. Your son was the first born MALE of the family so it was only right that he got the empire.

       In a sense you didn't want him to take over empire because you feared it would be too stressful for him. On the other hand you knew he could handle it because he was always great at differentiating his personal life from business. That didn't keep you from fearing he would go through all the troubles Lucious did though. All over an empire.

        Truth was you just needed to trust that your baby wasn't a baby anymore and that he would be a great addition to empire.

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