Eva and Chris in Christmas spirit be like

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- Wanting desperately to paint the walls red and green just because they can.
- Choosing the biggest Christmas tree they can find.
- While baking Christmas cookies, Eva messing everything, while Chris, as focused as he can be, just carefully makes perfect shapes. Both exaggerate on the frosting.
- While decorating the Christmas tree, Eva decorates the bottom very well, Chris exaggerates on the top half of the tree so Eva has to take some and distributes them equally around the tree.
- Lots of fairy lights.
- Taking cute pictures next to the decorations like:

- Gifts from Eva to Chris: Pillow, because, you know, randomness

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- Gifts from Eva to Chris: Pillow, because, you know, randomness.
- Gifts from Chris to Eva: one word: ALCHOOL
- Favourite Christmas snack: FROSTING!

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