Tongue Twister

9 1 4

Smut warning

M i t c h ' s p o v

Team Crafted. Remember that? Yeah me too. We were meeting up. Not everyone. Just me, Jerome, Jason, Ty, Adam, Quentin, and Ian. Why? Well we decided to surprise the fans because it's been 5 years since we broke off. It'd be a nice reunion. Of course we were going to Seattle. We would go to L.A. but that's a bit er expensive.

I was panting as I came to the doorway of Adam's house. He told us Alesa and Mason went out to Ty's place in Arizona. Apparently for our "guy time". It makes me laugh at the words. I was shaken from my own thoughts as Adam opened the door.

"Hey Mitch," Adam exclaimed, "you're finally here!" I smiled in return. His head turned away from me.

"Yo guys Mitch's here!" Adam called out.


"Abort mission!" Adam shouted sarcastically running away as Jerome tackled me.

"Woah dood let me get through the door." I laughed.

"Yeah sorry," he apologized sheepishly backing away. I grinned as I saw everyone else peeking over to me, some waving. I tried to ignore Ty's glare burning in the back of my head. He still has a grudge against me for kicking Seto out. I sighed thinking he'd get over it by now. Stupid thought.

"So..." Adam trailed off.

"TV?" Jason asked. Adam chuckled nodding, leading us to the the couch. I positioned myself facing the TV directly. Jerome sat next to me while the rest sat around us. Ty, obviously, sat as far away as he could which was only having Adam in between us. Definitely a wall protecting him.

"What ya wanna watch?" Adam questioned.

"Steven Universe?" Ian requested.

"You guys are such nerds," I heard Adam mutter as he turned on Steven Universe. I glanced at Ty and he jumped a bit. He quickly snuggled into Adam's arm making Adam look at Ty. Ty grinned softly yet awkwardly back at Adam. I almost snorted. Almost. Sky just rolled his eyes and turned back to the TV. Ty stuck his tongue out at me, clutching on Adam's arm.

That son of a- my thought was cut off when Jerome abruptly got up, pulling me with him. He scurried out of the room with me but no one questioned it. He crept up the stairs making sure I followed.

"The hell Jero-" yet again cut off.

"I'm so sorry Mitch," he said shoving me into Adam's and Alesa's room. He pushed me on the bed, knocking the air out of me. He used this to an advantage and took off his belt, tying me to the head board.

"What-" I was cut off from Jerome kissing me. My eyes widened. We're both straight....right? Well he was still a good goddamn kisser. His lips were so soft, making me crave for more. The second he licked my bottom lip I opened my mouth without hesitation. I began moaning as his tongue twister painted my mouth in his saliva.

His tongue tasted like chocolate. Of course he doesn't eat chocolate though since he's half bacca.

"I'm so sorry Mitch that I couldn't find a mate in time. But today's the last day so I have to do this." I was about to ask what he was talking about until he pulled my pants and boxers down just so my ass was showing. A massive blush spread across my features but I froze as I felt his hard dick press against my hole.

I was still a virgin.

"J-Jerome we c-can talk abou-" I was cut off by my own high pitched squeal. He fucking thrusted his dick in me. It hurt so goddamn much. I felt tears prick at my eyes. The pain was unbearable. That is until he jerked his hips back and forth repeatedly. Small moans fell from my lips.

"That's it," Jerome grunted, "stay quiet. Don't cum." It felt so good. A small ball of warmth entered my stomach. It hurt so much yet felt so good. Jerome had a death grip on my legs which would surely leave a bruise later.

"Mmm ah J-Jerooooommmmmm~" I moaned almost silently. The ball began to hurt pushing at me, wishing me to let go. I couldn't. I would have to wear cum filled pants for the rest of the day. Plus Jerome said not to. I pulled at the belt, begging for him to go faster and harder. He complied and my mouth hung open, silent screams passing through.

I couldn't even speak, my voice caught in my throat. Jerome groaned, grunted, and occasionally moaned fueling my passion for him. I tugged at the binds as he hit a certain spot. That was pure bliss. I had no idea my best friend could make me feel so shitting good. I felt his thrusts getting sloppier and his member twitched a few time in side me.

Jerome moaned his fluids entered my ass. I moaned as he pulled out, but he quickly pulled up my pants, making him drip into my boxers rather than the bed. I couldn't help but cum in my own pants moaning his name. I felt so tired but Jerome undid the belt and pulled me up. My ass hurt like hell but that's sex I guess. I tried to hide my limp and winces, succeeding. The feeling of my own cum and his was still uncomfortable but manageable.

"The hell was that Jerome?" I asked and this time got a good reply.

"It's the rules of the bacca. You have to find a mate at a certain age and if you don't you have to mate with your best friend. It's common for baccas to be best friends with the opposite gender," he sucked in a breath, "sorry for getting you pregnant."

My jaw dropped. I was pregnant? With Jerome's kids?!? I groaned inwardly as we walked down the stairs together. I sat where I was before, Jerome doom the same. I couldn't care less about Ty. I was pregnant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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