Chapter 61: Just Because I'm Hungry

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DAY 216

The dragons and phoenix' said that one day here is equal to 2 days...again. I sighed. For now, we are staying at the castle of the Vongola...

Everything is a ruckus...G and Lampo fights, Daemon and Alaude are killing each other, Knuckle is yeling, Ugetsu plays the flute...but it doesn't calm down the it's noise.

There is no difference between the first generation and the tenth...=_=

Nothing really happened today...just fights and all...

DAY 218

"huh?" I said. "a party?"

"yes, and I need you two to stay in your room until it's done" Giotto said.

"yeah...since that we came from the future...and it'll be a ruckus if they found out that there's a man identical to you" I stated.

"good thing you understand. The party is held here, tomorrow, 12 in the afternoon. There will be a lot of guests so, be careful" he warned.

DAY 220

I'm here with our room...waiting...


"ahehehehe..." I laughed...

"are you hungry?" Tsuna asked.

"yeah...a little bit" I replied.


"your stomache tells me that your lying" Tsuna stated. Then, he looked at me in the eyes.

"you didn't eat dinner and breakfast didn't you?" he eyed me.


"mattaku...just because you hate the food doesn't mean you won't eat it" he sighed.

"I find that statement wrong. You hate Bianchi's cooking right? Because it's poison ccoking, don't tell me you'll eat it?" I stated.

"...." he's silent.

"I told you" I smirked.


"I'm so hungry!" I complained.

"wait here, I'll go get some food" he said as he left....

Wait...the kitchen is after the hall and entrance...

"Tsuuuuunaaaaa!" I yelled as I held my empty tummy.

Ah! There he is! I tackled down him. 

"ittai!" he yelled.

"sorry...but your...we are not aloud to leave our rooms. And the kitchen is after the hall" I said.

"but I can't just leave you starving to death!" he yelled.

"how about you stay in the room, I'll go" I said.

"huh?..." he said. " what's the difference?" he asked.

"you look like Giotto, the crowd will go wild seeing that he has a double! While I am me, just a canadian" I reasoned.

"fine...just take care okay?" he kissed my forehead and my face feels hot again. "be careful" he said as I left.'m at the party and Tsuna are wearing clothes from this time so it's fine. I also hope that Giotto and the others won't spot me.

I am a few meters away from the kitchen and...

"hello miss" a man stopped me. He has red hair, longer than G's. His hair reaches his waist and it is tied by a ponytail.

"uh...I'm busy so...maybe later" I was about to leave but he stopped me again.

"woah, take it easy. How about I'll accompany you? Since your all alone" he smiled.

"no thank you. I can do things my self" I said.

"you don't know who I am do you?" he said.

"you don't know who I am do you?" I stated with fierce eyes. "besides, I have a lover" 

"a lover? Then, where is he?" he asked. Ugh! He pisses me!

"fine come with me. don't regret it" I said as I went to the kitchen.

"chef Marry, can you give me some Japanese dishes? I'm hungry..." I said.

I don't care if I embrass myslef to him. Bleeeeh!

"ahahaha!" he laughed. I rolled my eyes. He's the one that wanted to come with me anyway.

"there's food outside, all piled up" he pointed outside.

"no thank you" I said as I waited for my food.

" must be special since you can just enter the kitchen" he said.

"so what's your point?" I crossed my arms.

"my point know the first generation" he said.

"here is your food, mistress" the chef gave me riceballs, sushi and takoyaki with tea! Yum!

"ahahaha! Outside, there are more delicios and good looking food" he said.

"no thank you and was the last straw when you badmouthed my favorite food. Hmp!" I stormed off from the kitchen with my food on my arms.

Hm...this is enough for both me and Tsuna.

Suddenly, the lights went out. Then, there was a light at the was...that man...

I wanted to leave but the people won't budge!

"sir? Excuse me but I got to leave" I said nicely.

"sorry, but I can't. If I leave, someone will take my place" he said. Tch!

"I am here to say...I found my true love" the man a while ago said...ooof! Don't tell me...that's me...hah! Of course it is...soooo run!

To late, the light is focused on me...with my favorite dish. Now...the first generation will kill me.

I heard gasps. Tch! If I can just kill that guy...

"ahahahaha! Sorry but I have a boyfriend" I said out loud.

"then where is he?" he asked.

"in a room" I simply answered.

"where room?" he asked.

" I need tell you guys about the room that me and my lover stays?" I am starting to get angry here already...

"is he handsome?" he asked.

"more handsome than you, more kinder than you, not rude like you, more cuter than you, more stronger than you, more caring, he's hot and sexy and I won't leave him to go with a guy like you" I yelled.

"so now, please excuse me. I am busy and hungry!" I was about to leave but someone spoke...UGHHHH!

"Harley!" I heard Giotto's voice...right behind me...great...just tgreat...

"can you pleae leave her alone? She already has a lover and you won't listen. She is also a precious part of the family, so please, leave her" Giotto ordered.

"thank you, Giotto...and sorry...I was just really hungry" I said as I walk out of the crowd.

I went back to the room and no one followed, good! "as if!" I yelled.

I turned back and charged at the hiding man. I kicked his face, hard. "you still won't give up eh? Then, here's what you get!" I kicked the red-headed man again.

"leave or else!" I yelled.

He ran away like a scaredy cat.

"bleeeeeh!" I stuck my tongue out. 

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