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Authors note:
Hopefully you're enjoying this so far!!
I've been working super hard and my fingers and hurting form typing so much.  Remember to vote and comment!

Jacks point of view:

We hug for so long at the bottom of that staircase.   I was happy that we were back together but sad that she could possibly die.  But I'd rather die with her than alone.

The carved cherub at the foot of the center railing EXPLODES. I pull
Rose toward the stairs going down to the next deck. Cal fires again,
running down the steps toward us.  A bullet blows a divet out of the oak
panelling behind my head as I pull Rose down the next flight of
stairs.  What a sicko!

The bottom of the grand staircase is flooded several feet deep.  Rose and I come down the stairs two at a time and run straight into the water,
fording across the room to where the floor slopes up, until we  reach dry
footing at the entrance to the dining saloon.

He wasn't a great shot I can tell you that.

I hear him faintly, "enjoy your time together!"

He must've given up, but I wasn't taking any chances.

We end up in the dining saloon, crouched behind a table, somewhere in the middle. I see the water advancing toward us, swirling over the floor. We crawl ahead of it to the next row of tables. I see Lovejoy with the gun.

"Stay here," I whisper.

Lovejoy moves over one row and looks along the tables. Nothing.

The ship groans and creaks. He moves another row.

On a cart, five feet tall and full of stacks of china dishes.
It starts to roll down the aisle between tables.

The cart rolls toward Rose. It hits a table and the stacks of
dishes topple out, e across the floor and showering her.

She scrambles out of the way and--

Lovejoy spins, seeing her. He moves rapidly toward her, keeping the gun

That's when I tackle him from the side. We slam together into a
table, crashing over it, and toppling to the floor. We land in the water
which is flowing rapidly between the tables.

We grapple in the icy water. I jam my knee down on
Lovejoy's hand, breaking his grip on the pistol, and kick it away. Lovejoy
scrmbles up and lunges at me, but I gut punch him right in the solar
plexus, doubling him over.

"Compliments of the Chippewa Falls Dawsons," I grab Lovejoy and slam him into an ornate columb. Lovejoy drops to the floor with a splash, stunned.

"Let's go," I take Roses hand and run uphill. 

We run throught the galley and Rose spots the stairs. She starts up and
I  grabs her hand.  I lead her down.

We crouch together on the landing as Lovejoy runs past going up, Assuming we had, who wouldn't? He climbs up them two at a time.

We wait for the footstep to recede. A long creaking groan. Then we hear
it... a crying child. Below us. We  go down a few steps to looks along
the next deck.

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