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Since the usual time of meeting the little boss was always near midnight, I wandered across the little down, taking pictures of the sights. The place was not out of the ordinary but it was something I could consider to live in–if I were to settle down somewhere. I love my motherland, but this place... the people are nice, the place is quiet and safe–despite having a mafia-esque group–and most of all there's...

I shook my head as my thoughts started to drift to a certain suit-wearing woman.

With a deep sigh, I checked my wristwatch and found that it was only a quarter to ten. Too early to even meet up with the little boss. But with my ruined night, Maxine spending time with the Don, I decided to head back to the clinic and relax for a few hours.

With my hands inside my pockets and shoulders slumped, I mused on why I even let that suit-wearing woman worm her way inside my head. My heart.

I thought of her smiles, her laughs; her pass and fail attempts to throw a pick-up line or two. Her eyes that could read my very soul...

I thought about her, and I thought of a life with her.

"Took you long enough..."

My head snapped upward, and my sights darted immediately to the source of the spine-chilling voice.

Standing before the clinic door, was the so-called little boss. She had a grin on her face as she leaned on the clinic door.

"Why are you here? It's not even near midnight," I questioned, unable to believe she was standing in front of the clinic.

"Well—" she pushed herself off the door and stood straight and with an air of confidence around her. "I've been waiting, every day, around nine or so," she said in an 'as a matter of fact' tone.

What she said surprised me. During those time, I was off with Minx; touring me somewhere or just us and a bed and pleasuring each other. Every time I go back to the clinic late at night, this capo bastone was there. "You've been waiting... for hours? Just to be treated?"

She nodded.


She shrugged and jabbed her thumb towards the door's direction. "Still need to be treated, dear."

With a silent nod, I took out the keys and unlocked the clinic doors, wanting to know more about what she just told me.


The moment we're inside the clinic office, not even allowing her to sit on the examination table, I confronted my patient. "So? What's your injury now?"

Seeing her in front of me, after the night of passion together, somewhat brought cheer to my heart. That I could see her, touch her, talk to her—but the thoughts of the day after such night flushed all those cheers away and made me glare at her.

She shrugged and started to remove her sling. Following the arm support, she then removed her suit jacket, placing it on the examination table, and slowly unbuttoned her polo.

When she removed her polo, the first thing that came to mind was a rabid cat attacked her.

Scratches. Her body was tainted with deep raw scratches. From her sides, abdomen, and even some near her covered breasts. It was like she was thrown into a drum full of angry cats with sharp claws. Not only were there scratches, there were some small bruises too. Near the neck, collarbone, near her abs, and some teeth marks on her right shoulder.

Then it hit me.

"You seriously want me to treat your after-sex wounds?" I was aghast at the idea. Me, touching her body which was probably caressed by some other woman? The mere thought made my stomach churn.

"Well, you're responsible for it. So yes, I'm serious." She beamed a bright teasing grin at me.

I was surprised by her words. Those claw-like scratches, the bruises–lovebites–and the teeth marks... they were all from... "Me?"

Kiel nodded and began stretching her body, making me stare at how every muscle of her stretched. "Who else, dear. It's not like I allow just anyone to touch me intimately," she said with a charming smile that I grew to adore. "Now, why not check on them? I've been feeling rather achy here..." she pointed on her scratched sternum, tapping it a few times.

With a deep sigh, I took one of the alcohol-soaked cotton balls and checked on the scratch marks I left on her. I still can't imagine I did those to her. Leaving marks that showed how much I— my face suddenly felt hot upon remembering the night we had. The memories of her teasing smirks, her lips upon mine, her hands caressing every part of my body.

Of a night that I shared with her that's filled with passion and need.

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