Day 14

97 9 12

~Markimoo and Jackipoo~

Markimoo: Hey! Rise and shine!

Jackipoo: it's 6 am in Ireland Mark, I was asleep but you woke me up. Thanks.

Markimoo: You're welcome! (: What are you doing today?

Jackipoo: I dunno, nothing special. I plan on sleeping some more because it's early and I'm tired.

Markimoo: Okay (: Sounds nice. I'm actually going to visit my mom

Jackipoo: How amazing Mark, now will you let me sleep?

Markimoo: But I'm bored :3

Jackipoo: Good for you

Markimoo: You're so boring

Jackipoo: Then go talk to someone else

Markimoo: But I wanna talk to you

Jackipoo: Too bad

Markimoo: Please? *tilts head*

Jackipoo: *walks away*

Markimoo: *walks after you*

Jackipoo: *walks faster*

Markimoo: *walks even faster*

Jackipoo: *starts running*

Markimoo: *runs after*

Jackipoo: *trips on something*

Markimoo: *stops running and gives you a hand*

Jackipoo: *refuses to take your hand and gets own on my own*

Markimoo: *sniff*

Jackipoo: *walks away again, but slower since I'm hurt*

Markimoo: *stops you by putting my hands on your waist*

Jackipoo: *turns around and looks at you*

Markimoo: *looks at you back*

Jackipoo: *silence*

Markimoo: *silence*

Jackipoo: *escapes from your grip and starts running away, fast*

Markimoo: But that's when we're suppose to kiss ;-; You ruined the moment!

Jackipoo: Lol good luck with that

Markimoo: Ow

Jackipoo: Sorry not sorry :P

Markimoo: *cries in a corner*

Jackipoo: *goes back to bed*

Markimoo: RuUDe!

Jackipoo: *falls asleep*

Markimoo: Nuhh come back!

Markimoo: Jack?

Markimoo: Oh god dammit

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