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So I'm taking that part out when Joey stuck it in her they were just kissing


He started to bite on her neck. She backed back.

Jay-I don't think this is a good idea

Joey-come on

Jay-I'm sorry I can't do it

Joey-what do you mean

Jay-I just had 2 babies today. I can't do that to Prince

Joey-who is Prince

Jay-the father of my kids. Look I have to go

Joey-will I see you




She left out and found Asia

Jay-I'm ready to go

Asia-okay let's go

They got in the car and went to Asia house. Then she got in her car and went to her house.


I open the door quietly to not wake anybody. Prince was upstairs sleeping. I went to go check up on the babies they were sleeping peacefully. I went to the kitchen and cut me a apple ate it. I snuck upstairs and quietly went to sleep.

Next Morning Sunday


It was 5am and I was feeding Nick. Nadia was upstairs sleeping with Prince. I feel really bad walking out on him like that. I should take him out. Since I don't feel like cooking.

She went upstairs and tapped him

Jay-wake up


Jay-we bout to go


Jay-stop asking questions. Get up

Prince -ok

He got up grabbed a towel and got in the shower put on some shorts cuz it wasn't time to go. Then he went down stairs

Jay- do you want wash Nick

Prince- yea

Jay- make sure you get his neck

He picked him up and grabbed the baby tup, put some water in the tub and washed him up. Jay did the same thing.


•black and red Jordan jumper

•Jordan Fire


•turquoise and pink Jordan jumper

Jay- yea lets go

They arrived at Roscoes. They strapped the babies in the car seat and left. 15 minutes later they were there. They got their table sat down. Jay got the babies out the car seat and put a pacifier in their mouth

Jay-I brought you here to talk about yesterday


Jay-I was wrong about walking out on you but you were wrong too

Prince-I know I should have never blamed that on you

Jay-I'm sorry for threatening you and walking out on you

Prince-I'm sorry for blaming something on you that wasn't even your fault

Jay-I don't want you to feel afraid and scared around you


Then the waitress came over

Waitress-hello my name is Trish and I will be your server

They ordered and talked some more

Then the food came

Jay-let me get a piece of that * reaching over to his plate*

Prince-no no no



Jay-remember that

15 minutes later Trish came back over

Trish-is everything okay


Trish-are these kids yours


Trish-they are so cute

Jay-thanks! Can I get a refill

Trish- yea sure let me take your cup

She came back and left. Jay had Nadia in her lap and she threw up



Jay-she spit up

He handed her the bag and she went to the bathroom with Nadia. She laid a blanket on the changing table cleaned her up and put a new outfit on Nadia. Then left out the bathroom. When she walked out she saw Trish talking to Prince and Prince looked irritated

Till the End of Time ( A Princeton Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now