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Christ! Another nightmare. I wouldn't exactly call this a nightmare.. more or less just another creepy ass dream that I couldn't wake up from. I was just running through the woods. I wasn't exactly sure who or what was chasing me but I kept calling out Deans name. Over. And over.

"Dean.. dean... dean.." and then suddenly...

"JESSICA." I heard someone scream my name and i tripped over something and fell on my knee. Which, in reality, I hit it off the dashboard.


from the pain. Forcing myself awake.

"What were you doing?" Dean asked me. Sammy and Jenn were looking at me.

"I uh... What? What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Well you kept saying my name over and over and panting like you were out of breath and I swear it sounded like we were having sex... BUT HEY. THATS JUST ME!" Dean replied with a straight face. While in the back seat Jenn and Sam nearly died of laughter.

"OH HELLLLLLLL NO!!!" Jenn yelled laughing. "DO YOU EVER HEAR YOURSELVES?????" I looked at her confused.

"I don't think you guys realize exactly how loud you are. And take note your guys' bedroom is ALL THE WAY AT THE OTHER END OF THE HALL." I glared at Sam and blushed.

"Like all night we would hear you" Jenn pointed to me. "YELLING HIS NAME AND SCREAMING YOUR HEAD OFF."

"Now we can't put all the blame on Jess!" Sammy said laughing. "Lets not forget how loud you are Dean! And for God sakes! I could've sworn the bed was going to break because of how DAMN LOUD IT IS!!" Dean never even turned around. He just sat there silently laughing to himself.

"I hate you guys so much." I turned around laughing. "Where are we anyway babe?" I asked Dean.

"Outskirts of Chicago!"

"I slept that long??????"

"You're probably still worn out from last night." He looked over at me and winked. I sat back and stared out the window.

"CALLED IT!!" Jenn yelled. "I TOLD YOU!!!" I turned around and stared at her.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT? He wasn't talking about that he was just-"

"Yea i was"

"GAAAHHH! Let's just shutup and keep going."

"Well were in Chicago! So where does this cat live?" He asked.

"Its... uh.... OH! Turn down this street right here South Allport." He did as I said and turned. "Ok.. now i'm pretty damn sure its that yellow one up there at the top of the street"

"Yes ma'm" He turned into the driveway. I still hated her. I wanted her dead more than anybody.. maybe even more than Abaddon. Wow. I got out of car and walked up to the door. Dean caught up with me and put his hand on my waist. I smiled and knocked on the door. "Don't hurt her yet." He whispered. I laughed and looked at him.

"I'll keep my hands to myself. But if she even looks at you or thinks about you shes dead." I clenched my jaw. "She will be stabbed." The door opened and from behind popped out a short girl with trash red hair. She smiled and attacked me with a hug.

"Oh my goodness!! Its been too long Jessie!" I scoffed and pushed her off of me. She sighed. "Come in and sit" I began walking in as Dean grabbed my arm.

"Easy.. her boyfriend just died try not to kill her" He said as he kissed my cheek. I nodded and the four of us followed Sandra into the living room. "So... Sandra.." Dean asked. I just sat there with my arms crossed. I felt Sams hand on my back. I turned around.

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