Chapter 1: Scared? Maybe

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I exchanged smiles while strolling brightly through the halls. I received waves with which I responded back with another. You see, I'm quite popular-- wait, I sound a little self-centred if I say that... Well, I'm just quite 'well-known' in OffShore High. OffShore is considered the parenting school over the middle school the same principle governs. All together, the school itself is what you'd normally expect from a normal public school.

With the most honesty, I expected to be teased for being a Korean transfer in a normal American public high school mainly because of stereotypes and racism, but I guess I was wrong. However, there was some of those people who immediately guessed me to be Chinese. It got exhausting to deal with their jokes and correcting them, but with all that over, I'm happy here.


Okay, with that said, I do in fact hang out with more people who share my nationality just because I do feel more comfortable speaking my native language... That's all.

Hoseok skipped to me with Namjoon following.

"Nice to finally see you after the break! Agh~ the break was so long! I missed you!" Hoseok squeezed my body as if his life depended on it.
"Hobi-hyung... It's only been a week," I whimpered, gasping for air.

(I really didn't know how American terms and semesters work because I'm Australian so I had to look it up and I still don't understand it)

"So what? I still missed you~ you're just denying my affection aren't you?"
"Hoseok-ah, stop harassing Jimin," Namjoon spoke, breaking up the two and causing Hoseok to pout.
"Thanks... Anyways, what's going on with Jungkook?" I uttered, quickly recovering from Hoseok's hug.

"We checked on him before walking here... He says that he's still bored and lonely because there's no one else he can talk to at the middle school school since you graduated," with Namjoon's reply, I chuckled at Jungkook's childishness.
"He should be aware that we can still meet him during lunches and recesses... How about Yoongi-hyung?"
"Yes?" Yoongi croaked from behind Namjoon.
"Oh... Well how do you feel?"
"Like sleeping," Yoongi mumbled back to me, causing the other two to smirk.
"Well is Jin-hyung still doing good?"
"Ah yeah~ Namjoon-ah and I visited his cafe, he's getting good business and he looked quite happy," Hoseok grinned at me with his classic and bright heart-smile.

"Ah well, the bell's about to go! It'd best if we started heading to class" We all went our separate ways

I skipped to class with a good feeling swirling up in my stomach, grinning like a mad-man. I sat at the seat at the front, seemingly the one closest to the teacher's desk, purely because the rest of the desks looked taken.

I kicked my legs while doodling in my notebook, eavesdropping on a group of girls behind me.

"I heard we were getting a new teacher,"
"What? Why?"
"Apparently our first had enough of us and quit haha,"
"Really? Do you think they'd be as tolerable as our first?"
"We'd be lucky if they aren't as strict,"

I had this 'alright if you say so' look on my face while listening, slightly amused by their words. The bell went, scaring me, but not making me jump.

Students made their way to their seats, exchanging each other quick sentences before sitting down.

The door of the classroom opened dead straight on the sound of the bell, revealing a tall, slick and well-built male.
I could feel every student's eyebrows raise at the sight of the seemingly attractive man.
"I am Mr. Kim, I will be your new English teacher," our apparent new teacher began writing the name he told us to address him by in the top corner of the board. His thick and deep voice contrasted with his young features, causing every bodies eyes to widen.

"I heard this was in fact the worst fresh-men class in this entire school, so I am going to be sure to make this clear. I'm not your friend, I'm your teacher. I'm only here to make sure you all get your asses into college. So I do not in fact tolerate childish behaviour or attitude. Act like an uneducated five year old and you will be immediately punished. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Kim spat with poison dripping from his deep voice.

The classroom was entirely silent until,
"Holy shit I'm scared!" A masculine voice appeared from behind me, sarcastically remarking Mr. Kim's words and causing the class to break into laughter.
The teacher crossed his arms as he leaned on the board, as if he was saying 'shut up'. He looked down and licked his lips (kind of sexily in a way-- wait) and looked back at the younger male who held a shit-eating smile on his lips.

"What's you're name?"
"Matthew... Matthew Anderton,"

Mr. Kim clicked his tongue and stalked up to Matthew. Mr. Kim's towering figure left a shadow that loomed over Matthew's desk, making himself look much more surperior.
With no warning, Mr. Kim's hand slammed loudly onto Matthew's desk, causing everybody in the room to jump and Matthew to fall out of his chair. With Matthew on the ground, Mr. Kim mumbled with a deadly tone,
"Look Mr. Anderton, the first thing you learn about being in my classroom is that you keep your mouth shut. My consequences aren't very pretty and I'll be sure to give you a very detailed opinion of my ways and it won't be so positive,"

I couldn't see from here, but I could tell that Matthew was scared out of his wits.

"Get back up, you look weak on the ground," Mr. Kim turned his back and walked back to the front.
"Let Mr. Anderton be a lesson to you, mess with me, and I'll mess you up psychologically," the male made eye contact with everybody in the class, making sure they were all listening.
Everyone's back were straight and they looked dead straight at the teacher.

Me scared? Maybe-- of course I am.

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