Half A Heart

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Dipper's POV

I miss him.

I miss him so much. 

 When will you come back Bill? 

 -Flashback- Fifteen Years Ago 

 My smile is wide as ever as I'm staring at him. At Bill.We're so happy that we're finally together and that we finally got what we both wanted, our dream jobs, us living together, and of course we've got each other. 

 But as always.... 

Things don't last forever.... 

 -Ten Years Later- Still Flashback 

 I'm now at home waiting for Bill, my job always end earlier than his and sometimes I do my job at home, I am a journalist after all. 

 I'm done making dinner, I'm just polishing things up and just then, I heard the door click open and close and I rushed out of the kitchen and went to Bill. 

 "Hey, babe! How's work?" I said and kissed him in the cheek 

 He smiled at me and told me "Everything's going great and for a matter of fact I have something to tell you right at our dinner" 

 "Oh, I'm excited to hear that, come. Let's go eat" I ushered him to the kitchen and sat down in front of him 

 "So, babe, about work..." Bill started 

 "Oh, what about it?" 

 "My boss actually promoted me Dip, and he's gonna take me with him at a Eurotrip of business conferences, and babe, the best of it is after that, I'll become the CEO as my boss said and we'll finally have our dream wedding!" 

 "Ohmygosh, Bill!" I jumped out of my seat and rushed to him and hugged him tightly"I'm so so so happy for you Bill" 

 "Well, I'm happy for us Dip" Bill said as he hugged me back and that's when I realized that Bill's going to Europe. That's too far. How are we gonna work this out? 

Bill pulled from the hug but still kept his hands on my waist and my hands on his shoulder, he noticed how my smile wavered and asked, "What's wrong Dip? I thought you were happy about it?" 

"Bill, babe, of course I am, I'm so happy for us right now but Bill.... It's Europe, that's too far. You know how I hate LDRs" 

 "Babe, I promise that we'll work this out, we'll contact each other through Skype or through phones, and besides It's you and me. Nothing can keep us apart", Bill beamed at me and gave me a small peck, " And also, I'll come back, it won't take forever , you know" 

-Flashback Ends- 


That's his promise. 

Bill's promise that I know and I hope he'll still keep. 

We've lost contact with each other but I know that he'll come back. 

Bill will come back.

...ring... ring... ring...

I came back to reality, away from my thoughts when my phone rings

I simply answered it 'cause I know it'll be my boss talking to me, "Hello?"

"Pines! Finally I got a hold of you, I've got an amazing story for you to write! And don't you dare say no to this, a Famous business man in Europe is finally coming back on his branch here on America and I want your marvelous writing to cover that story, their company will be having a welcome back party for him and I want you in it so that you'll get to interview him! Pines, are you up for it?"

My god! Did my boss just said that without break? Seriously? How much does he really want me to cover this story?

"Well, I really can't say no, can I?" I replied with deep long sigh

"Yup! So, based on your answer, I need you to come to the address I'm gonna send you and I need you there tomorrow by five in the afternoon wearing a formal attire. Got it Pines?"

Oh well..., "Yes, boss" 

"Great! I'll hang up now" ...beep...

GREAT! Now, I have to wear formal attire? But whyyyyy???

Uggh! I'll just sleep this off....

~The next morning ~

Time Check... 4:15 pm

It will take 30 minutes for me to get to the address my boss sent me

I'm now wearing a white suit since I don't have anything black

I've got to get going or my boss will be kicking my ass!

I went out of the house, locked it and made sure that I have my special pen with me and my very lovely camera....

I went to the waiting shed and waited for a taxi

A taxi now stopped in front of me, I went in and told the driver the address

I was so surprised when I saw the house, no wait, It's a mansion, but what was more surprising was when the butlers, I think, ushered me in like I was the most important person ever and put me inside the living room, I think this part is private because there were no other people

The butler told me that their boss will be here, in the same room with me, in any minute

I was shocked because I didn't know that there was something like this!

My stupid boss didn't tell me, I started looking up my questions, reviewing them until I heard a soft voice said, "I don't know how I managed to stay strong for 5 years when you're not by my side, I miss you so much Dip"

The papers in my hand fell down as soon as I heard that voice

That voice that I haven't heard for 5 years

That voice that made me love

The voice of the one I love

I slowly turned around and saw the guy that made my eyes puffy for those few months I was alone, the guy that makes me tear up as I looked into his eyes, I sobbed and slowly knelt down to the floor

"Dip, babe, please, please don't cry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I never intended to stay away for that long, I needed to, Dip, I needed to"

Bill, he said that to me while sobbing, Bill, I miss him so much, I couldn't feel any anger rising up but all I feel is joy, "Bill! You don't know what I've been through! Though, I can't be mad! Why Bill?"

"Babe, I don't know either, okay? You have every right to be mad, but right now, I need you to dry those tears and look more beautiful than ever, but not that beautiful because once I introduce you to the whole company they might steal you from me" Bill chuckled

"Introduce? What do you mean Bill?"

"You'll find out soon, babe"

He gave me a very soft and lingering kiss, Oh how much I missed that

~The End~

A/N ~ So, if you're wondering what happened, what Bill meant by introduce is that he asked Dipper to marry him in front of the whole company or of all the people that are in the party, all of that party stuff was set up just for Dipper to know that Bill was back and that is it.

If you had it figured, well damn you're smart

So, I'm really thankful to   because she supported me throughout this story and all that

And I really appreciate if you liked my story because this is the first story that I've finished and all

HartHart Lovelotssss



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