Chapter 28

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i came back home to Robyn at 11:30 pm after going to sort out stuff for ovo fest. The fight we had before i left didn't end. I know she is still confused and sad. Not angry though.
"Hey" i said coming into the room. She was sitting on the bed on her phone talking to someone.
"Okay, bye mama. I have to you too" she said ending the call smiling. She came closer to me and hugged me.
"Where is maj? I haven't seen her all day" i said pulling out the hug looking around.
"She's in the other room" she whispered and i could tell she was getting sick. Her face was really red too.
"Are you okay? You sound tired" i said checking her fever.
"Its probably from all the screaming and crying." She chuckled going out the room. I stood there sighing and wiping my forehead. What can i do to make her better? She is sick and tired and she has a show after two days. I could tell these few days she has been quite distant. Not depressed or something like that though. We go out and have fun almost everyday but i know she wants to talk about what happened today or anything that has happened in the past. When we argue, we say sorry to each other, but that isn't enough. We have to talk it out whether she likes it or not.
I went into the living room after some minutes to see Robyn feeding Maj. As soon as Maj saw me she went crazy and ran to me. I picked her up and kissed her cheek.
I saw Robyn looking down stirring the food. I put maj down and went to sit next to robyn.
"We need to talk. About everything. We cant keep saying "sorry". That doesn't fix anything. It just makes things worse." I said removing strands of hair from her face. She looked at me and nodded. I took her hand and went to the bedroom. I sat on the bed and patted my lap so she can sit. She wrapped her legs around me and sighed.
"Are you okay?" I said looking at her. She nodded and smiled.
"You know i defiantly can tell when you lie...what is it? I know you are sick okay? Your voice is gone and you have a fever but what else? I know there is something bothering you.." i said holding her closer to me. She stayed silent and bit her fingernails.
"Are you pregnant?" I whispered looking her straight in the eye.
"No" She raised her head up and chuckled.
"Then what is it?" I said sternly. She got up from my lap and stood in front of me.
"I don't know okay? I know i need to take a medicine because I'm sick but i just feel confused lately. Sometimes i panic or feel dizzy and i don't know why. Im too stressed for this shit okay?" She tried speaking with her broken voice.
"What do you mean "this shit"? Our relationship?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.
"What are you talking about?" She asked raising her voice.
"Do you want to leave or something?" I asked scared hoping for a "no".
"No its just that sometimes we argue and then act like nothing happens. Exactly what you said. I don't want this Aubrey. I ju-" she stopped speaking as she put her hand on her forehead and fell to the ground.
"Rob..." i shook her but she didn't wake up or move. I immediately sprinted to the other room and told Mel we need help.
"No you cant take her to the hospital! People will notice her and it will make her even more stressed!" Mel said laying Robyn in bed.
"My sister is a  doctor and she can come here" one of Robyn's crew members said. He called her and she said she will be there in 10 minutes. Damn those were the longest 10 minutes of my life.
"She'll be fine" Mel said rubbing my back sitting next to me on Robyn's bed. She looked so peaceful. I just hoped she is okay.
Suddenly a woman came in the room and told us to get outside.
"But-" Mel said but the doctor cut her off.
"Only actual family memebers can stay in the room or a husband. Other than that i'm sorry" she said. We all looked at each other and knew someone must stay here.
"You said husband right?" Mel said smirking. She pulled me into the room and they all got out. I sighed and shook my head. I sat on the couch.
The doctor checked Robyn's heartbeat and all that shit. She started to put something on her face which looked like one of those breathing tools. After some minutes i saw Robyn make a noise. She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling.
I breathed and thanked god. I knew it wasn't that serious but i was too scared for my babygirl.
"You have to take some medicines since you are sick but ill give you pills for stress. Ill leave you and your husband for a bit." The doctor said going out to get the medicines.
Robyn looked at me confused as why the doctor said "husband".
"Husband huh?" Robyn said laughing. I smiled and got up from the couch to hug her.
"We still need to talk you know." I said kissing her head. She nodded and kissed my hand. The doctor came back with everything she needed. We thanked her and she left.
Majesty came in the room standing by the door with her teddy bear in her arms.
"Come here baby" i said patting the bed. She ran to the bed and tried climbing up but she couldn't. I chuckled and lifted her up. She sat on Robyn's lap and layed onto her chest.
"Why aren't you asleep maj?" Robyn asked.
"I cant. Im too scared to sleep alone." She said with the cutest accent hugging her bear.
"You can sleep next to us" i suggested tickling her. She started laughing and i kept on playing with her until i noticed Robyn looking at us smiling.
"What?" I said holding Maj up kissing her cheek.
"Nothing" she said smiling kissing both of us.
I got Maj ready for bed but then remembered i had a meeting for ovo fest.
"Shit.." i whispered looking at my phone.
"What?" Robyn asked worried. I looked at her and i knew she will be disappointed. This week was meant to be just me, her and Maj since Robyn had only 2 shows this week.
"I have a meeting right now" i said looking down.
"Oh, okay" she said getting into bed. I sighed and went to get dressed. When i was ready i saw Robyn already asleep. I kissed her head and covered her with a blanket.
The meeting was kinda long. It was now 3 am and i am still there. I heard my phone ring from across the table. I picked it up and saw "mami💜" i answered the phone and heard Robyn coughing.
"Hey when will you come back?" She said sounding really bored.
"Why arent you alseep? You have a show after two days you know" i said going into the empty room.
"I dont know i have a headache" she said sighing.
"Ill be back soon. Go to sleep if you can" i said grabbing all my stuff and heading back to the house.
When i arrived i saw Robyn and Maj on the couch watching movies. I came to the couch and hugged both of them.
"Do you have other meetings this week?" She said sounding annoyed.
"Only one but it'll be at the same time as your show" i said going to the room. We got ready for bed although we had to wake up after 2 hours since we have a flight. Well, its for Robyn's show but I'm coming with her.
Majesty had to go home today which meant she was crying all day wanting to stay with Robyn.
"Aubrey..." Robyn said while we were trying to sleep. I turned around and looked at her.
"Im sorry about everything...we just have to promise that we trust each other okay? I know sometimes I'm stupid and say things i shouldn't. Same for you but...i don't want more stupid fights. I just want both of us to be loyal. And if there is a problem we would tell each other. No more of you going out at night and getting back in he morning still drunk. Okay?" She said and looked at me seriously. I didn't say anything and just hugged her.
"I love you" i said kissing her neck. She didnt say it back as she had her head thrown back.
I kept on kissing and biting her neck until mel came in the room.
"You know you have to get ready for your flight so stop fuckin and get up" she said lifting the covers from us.
"I need to take a shower first." Robyn said heading to the bathroom.
"WE need to take a shower." I said following her.
I was adjusting the water heat when i turned around and saw her just in her underwear. I breathed heavily and got closer to her. She was removing her makeup when i got behind her and took off her underwear. I kissed her back and pulled her into the shower.
"Not now" she said washing her hair.
"Why have you been distant baby?" I asked resting on the wall.
"I told you. I don't know. I need a vacation or something for goodness sake." She said looking at me.
"I wish we could go on holiday. Its just more work everyday." I sighed as she nodded.
She got out the shower and dressed herself while i was still in there. She sat on the bathroom counter looking down.
"What?" She asked raising her head up when she saw me looking at her. I got out the shower and kissed her cheek.
"You look good" i said looking at her green emerald eyes. She chuckled and shook her head.
"I don't even have any makeup on! Let me fix this s-" i pulled her back to me when she went to put makeup on.
"Don't. We goin on a flight and then you're goin to sleep and relax when we land." I said pulling her from her waist. As i leaned in to kiss her, a crying majesty came in the room. Robyn instantly pulled away and ran to her.
"What is it baby?" Robyn said picking her up in her arms. She rocked her back and forth until she calmed down. Robyn sat next to me and Majesty jumped into my lap. I rubbed her back and she stopped crying.
"I dont want to leave you" she mumbled still sobbing.
"We will see you soon baby." I said trying to convince her to calm down. She nodded and rubbed her eyes.
"Bye bye" she said hugging me. I smiled and hugged her tightly.
Robyn picked her up and got out the room. Minutes later she came back in looking down. I rubbed her hand and looked at her.
"Im gonna miss her" she said referring to majesty. I kissed her lips which i haven't tasted for a long time cause of all the fights. She pulled away but i pulled her into me again and kept on kissing her. She bit my bottom lip and moaned.
"We need to go" she said getting up checking all the suitcases. We were in the car with Mel on the way to the airport. Robyn was obviously asleep through the way but i stayed awake looking out the window. I felt Robyn's head drop onto my shoulder as she kept snoring. We arrived to our private jet and instead of waking her up. I carried her to the bed in the jet. We got everything in there and started the journey. I got into some sweatpants and layed next to robyn. I was writing some songs until i felt my eyes go really heavy. I drifted into sleep but got woken up by a phone ringing. I looked at my phone and 40 was calling me. He was checking if i was coming to the meeting tomorrow. We talked for a bit and then ended the call. I yawned and looked beside me. There was no Robyn next to me. I looked at the time and we had 10 more hours until we land. I got up and put a shirt and hoodie on since it was quite cold. I got outside the room to see Robyn, Mel and Jen watching tv.
"Hey" all of them said in sync as i sat next to Robyn. She kept on watching the show while i continued writing songs.
They were talking and laughing when i felt Robyn give me a glass of wine.
"Nah not now" i said continuing working. She sighed and closed the computer and set it aside. She got onto my lap and gave me the glass.
"Don't be so boring graham cracker" Mel said drinking vodka.
"SO original Melissa" i said rolling my eyes at her.
"When we get there you will go sleep and then go to the meeting. Just spend time with us for goodness sake" Robyn said getting annoyed. I didnt want to make a scene in front of them so i kissed her cheek and whispered lightly in her ear. "You'll get fucked up if you don't maintain your attitude ma" while i had my hand grabbing onto her ass.
I sipped from the wine glass as she gulped from my words.
We continued talking and chatting while i felt Robyn getting turned on. Every minute she would grind on me or moan lightly. Let me give her what she want.
I whispered into her ear "i know what you want so just follow me". I got up and told Mel and Jen that i would go to the bedroom.
After i got on the bed. Robyn came in and locked the door. She stood up in front of me and took off her shirt. She didnt have anything under it. Not even underwear.
I looked at her naked body and rubbed my hands all over it. I pulled her onto the bed and layed her down on her back. I got in front of her and took off my sweatpants, shirt and hoodie. I was left in my boxers looking at her weak beneath me. I opened her legs and looked at how wet she was.
"This is the most i've seen you wet" i whispered as i got down and tasted her.
"Fuckkk" she moaned out but i smacked her thigh signaling her to keep her voice down. We dont want no one hearin this. I came down again and kissed her lightly. I kept on teasing her until i entered my tongue in. She arched her back and gasped.
"Shut the fuck up" i whispered harshly getting up and getting a shirt. I tied her mouth with it and got back at what i was doing. I kept on eating her out while hearing soft moans trying to escape her mouth. She closed her legs but i opened them and kept on kissing her clit.
"Dont cum" i said sternly. She came suddenly after some time and i didnt lick any of it. I looked up at her to see her pushing my head in more.
"What did i say?" I asked getting another shirt and tying her wrists with it behind her back. I went down on her and licked all her juices she released. She was a shaking mess trying not to make a noise. I took off my boxers and held my length near her entrance. Instead of entering her i got up and got a vibrator. She was confused but i turned it on and entered it. She threw her head back and tried to take it out of her. I got some lube and rubbed her other hole with it. I put some on my length and whispered into her ear "this might hurt".
I entered her slowly while the vibrator was still working her. I pumped in and out slowly careful not to hurt her.
"So tight" i groaned going a bit faster. She was lost for words as her wrists were behind her back. She couldn't control what was happening.
She started crying because it hurt her a bit. Minutes later she came but i continued on not even taking the sex toy out of her. She was sweating and breathing heavily. I came some minutes later in her as i pumped out slowly. I took off the shirt from her mouth and took out the vibrator. I put it near her mouth and she started licking it.
"Good girl" i said breathing heavily. After i was done with that, i stood up and told her to get on her knees. It was hard for her since her hands were still tied up. She got onto her knees and i pulled her head as she started licking me. I pulled and pushed her hair in and out roughly as she was deepthroating me.
Minutes later i felt my juices in her mouth as she backed away. She looked up at me as i untied her wrists.
"lets go shower" i said going to the bathroom. She limped to the bathroom and sat on the counter. She looked down and i came in front of her as she lightly sobbed.
"Why you cryin?" I asked whispering in her ear.
"It hurt a bit" she said wiping her tears. I smirked and kissed her lips.
"But you liked it. You cant deny that" i said carrying her to the shower. I was extra soft and careful with her right now. I cleaned her softly as she whined a little bit every time i got too close. As she was washing her hair i hugged her from behind and kind of felt bad.
"Im sorry" i said as she turned around. She chuckled and hugged me.
"Maybe if we do this again it shouldn't be on a private jet." She said rinsing the shampoo out her hair. We got out the shower and wrapped ourselves in towels. We got in the room and wore comfy clothes. She obviously wore my hoodie and shirt. We unlocked the door and went to everyone else. Only Mel and Jen was  still awake. I sat down and pulled Robyn onto my lap. We covered ourselves in a blanket and watched tv with them.
"Who knew you are from he mile high club..." Mel whispered as Jen shook her head. Robyn looked at Mel and laughed lightly.
"At least it was good" Robyn said looking at her phone.
"But you cried..." i whispered drinking wine.
Mel and Jen laughed their asses off and Robyn stayed silent.
"Im going to sleep" Robyn said getting off my lap.
"WE going to sleep" i said picking Robyn up bridal style. I got her in the bed and turned the light off. I took off my hoodie and stayed in my sweatpants. I put my head on the pillow and instantly felt my vision go blurry. The last thing i felt was my hand on Robyn's thigh while she layed onto my chest.

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