The Only Girl In Camp.

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Camp Diablo isn't like a usual camp where you fish or hike or do anything fun and recreational with your family. No, this camp is a training site specifically for men ranging from the age of four to twenty. Camp Diablo teaches those who are chosen, or in some rare cases taken, to fight for their empire until their very last breath, and that could be given at any time in any situation. Each son in every family descended from Russian radioactive survivors are assigned by the Government from birth to be handed over to the empire.  

Mothers and fathers have no choice but to obey the command that is given out by the cruel ruler, Apollyon Samial, who is rumoured to have his own personal army of relentless murderers who would stop at nothing to terminate those who resisted, the same rumoured personal army in which those who are collected are initiated into.

Camp Diablo is serious, the kind of serious that no one could ever be prepared for and Alice meddle is stuck in the middle when she is taken instead of her five year old brother, because she has the supposed ''gene'' needed to be recruited into the force. The ''gene'' is why so many people have been taken, and at such a young age too. Around the age of four is when the gift's start to make an appearance, and there are so many of those 'gift's' that Apollyon wants and needs to remain in power. So at the very young age of four is the time where Apollyon can mould their minds and gift's to his uses with brute force.

But Alice is different, she is more than unusual, she has the means and the spirit that could never be crushed. She is, the only girl in camp.

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