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Everything was falling to pieces.

After Tristian showed me the letter, we walked back inside. He kissed me lightly on the nose and walked away to deal with it. I couldn't wrap my head around it. My father committing treason. I walked numbly through the hallways until I found myself in our room.

I filled the tub with hot, hot water and dumped floral-smelling salt into the bath. Lavender and rose fumes filled the bathroom. My gown slipped off my shoulders and fell in a heap of lace and fabric at my feet. I slid into the water and took a deep breath before sliding under the surface.

It was peaceful under the gentle waves lapping at the side of the tub. I could only hear my heartbeat, the calming pulse filling my ears. With my eyes closed and my lung empty, I laid on the bottom of the tub, alone with my thoughts.

I could not believe it. I wondered if someone had forged the letter, but I saw it with my own eyes. It was his handwriting, his signature. His writing was too unique to try and forge. What would happen now? Would the kingdoms go to war? Would I have to watch my own father die...

My lungs started to ache, complaining about the lack of air. My head broke the surface and I inhaled deeply, the floral scent filling my body. Someone was shouting, from far away and I had the urgency to go see what was happening.

I stepped from the tub and wrapped myself in my towel, running to the closet. I threw on a pair of black pants and a loose shirt, my hair still dripping. The marble was cold on my bare feet as I ran from the room, following the voices. They were getting closer.

"I did not write this letter," my father thundered. I skidded around a corner, my hair dripping everywhere, and found my father, King Malum, and Tristian waiting there. Two guards were standing by, as well as a few of the high court members. One of them was dressed in black robes. I vaguely recognized him, but I knew what his job was.

He was the one who would sentence my father to death.

"It is your handwriting," King Malum said, shoving the letter at the black-robed man. "It is your signature. I can not believe you wanted to kill my son! My family, my blood! How dare you!"

"I did not want the death of your son," my father shouted back. "This letter is a fake. Court Master Sagery?" They all turned to the black-robed man, who looked at the letter with keen eyes. I flicked my wrist and my dagger appeared. Just in case someone decided to act.

The Court Master waved a hand over the paper, his palm shining a deep purple. The letter shimmered for a moment, then faded. He stiffened and looked at my father, then to King Malum.

"This letter is," he said. "Not false. It was written by King Ebony's hand." Something inside me collapsed, all hope extinguished. Court Master Sagery stood taller and said in a formal voice, "King Ebony of the Northern Kingdom, you have committed treason. The punishment for this crime,"

I stopped breathing, my heart hammering in my chest. My father closed his eyes.

"Is death."

His eyes opened again and he nodded slowly. My knees weakened as he looked at me, his eyes soft. His eyes met mine and I collapsed to the floor, my knees cracking against the ground. Tristian turned and hurried to my side, helping me stand. I felt like I would throw up any moment.

I could have sworn I saw King Malum smirk.

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