Chapter Twenty

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Charlie's Point Of View

"The dress is beautiful Charlie!"
I smile as I look down at the dress.

Rainer had come to my house so we could get ready for prom together.

We took turns doing each others hair and makeup, we even picked out each other's shoes.

"We look hot!" We say in unison as we start chuckling and making our way downstairs.

When we reached the front door, Len, and all the Kellers hold there cameras up ready for us to pose.

"You girls look beautiful!" Mrs.Keller shrieks as we blush.

"Strike a pose!"
Len says as she starts taking multiple pictures.

"Okay. As much as we would love to stay, we have to get going!" Rainer says as she grabs my arm and drags us out the door.

"Stay safe!"

"We will!" Rainer and I yell back as we hop into Chases car.

"You ladies look stunning!" He says as he kisses us both on the check.

"Thanks." I mumble as Rainer rolls her eyes.

"You guys know that long speech about no drinking, drugs, kissing, and all that crap, so is won't say it. But stay safe." Chase says as he stops the car in front of the school.

"We know and we will!"
He nods as we get out of the car and see Jake and Andy waiting at the entrance.

"Let's go get our man!"

We walk in fashionably late to our wonderful dates.

"Hey babe." I say as I reach Jake and give him a kiss.

"Hey baby! You look stunning!"

"Thanks, you look handsome yourself!"

"I always do!" He says as he brushes imaginary dust off of his shoulder.

"Let's go!" I say as I hit his arm.

We walk into the building to see lights everywhere and 'Call Me Maybe' blasting from the speakers.

"This is so cliche." Andy mutters as Rainer punches him in the arm.

"I know but don't ruin the moment."

Jake and I laugh as we walk into the crowd of people.

We all give our attention to our principal on stage as he taps the mike. "Because I don't care about it and I do this every year I am going to get it over with."
He says rudely as he motions for people to come on stage.
Two people come on stage, one holding the crowns and one holding flowers for the girl.

"The prom king is....... Andy Dylan!"

Rainer screams as she kisses Andy and pushes him onto the stage.
He stands there dumb folded as he revives his crown.
He looks down at us with wide eyes as our principal starts talking.

"The prom queen is............ Rainer Montana!"

Andy smiles, it's my turn to scream and push Rainer onto the stage.

"I didn't know we were this popular!" Andy whispers in Rainer's ear as she chuckles.

"Presenting the new prom king and queen of 2017....Andy Dylan and Rainer Montana!"

Everyone starts cheering and clapping as they make their way off of the stage.

The four of us take turns of hugging one another as Andy can't wipe the huge grin off of his face.

"Congrats you guys!" I say lean onto Jakes shoulder.
They smile as we make out way outside to sit on the benches.

"Don't worry, you'll always be my queen."
I turn to look at Jake with a goofy smirk on his face.

I try to hold in my smile but I couldn't.
"Love you!"

We all go out and sit on the bench.

"I guess prom is not our scene." Andy says breaking the silence.

"Guess not." Jake says as he leans his head onto mine.

"I'm so glad we found each other."

"I am too. I never thought I would have friends like you guys!" Rainer says as she grabs Andy's hand.

"After everything we've been through."

"Oh, I forgot! I got in!" Rainer yells as she jumps up.


"Harvard! I got a scholarship!" She squeals I run up to hug her!

"We are all going to Harvard!" I will as we jump up and down.
Luckily I had convinced Jake to stay, his dad still has cancer but they worked it out together, as a family.
And apparently Andy applied a while ago, we just didn't know it.
I kinda feel bad about leaving Len but she has a job as a model do she will be making good money!

"I love you guys!" I turn to look at Andy getting all sentimental.

"Aww! Andy!"
I go over and intertwine our fingers as I give my other hand to Jake.

Andy laughs as Rainer sits on his lap.

"Together forever." Rainer says as we all repeat in unison.

"Together forever."

So...... Rainer competed in the dance competition by herself and won, and since she already had a scholarship so donated half of it to charity for the kids that have type one diabetes.
Jake and I are better then ever, and soon we went to college.
My ankle has healed and I thank the Lord that I could still ride my skateboard even with it hurt.
But besides the point........ everyone is great, and we all are gonna stick together and go to the same college.

Len even got a job modeling for Victoria Secret!
We all are starting a new chapter our lives.

"Together Forever."

I'm Fine. Just Broken. (Major Editing) Where stories live. Discover now