Chapter 2

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It was rather hard to breath after the many shocks that he had set on her, mostly to shut her up from banging on the walls, only because Lora knew it'd anger him. Her throat ached, head against the wall, a purple curtain of hair covering her face. Thin wrists were swollen and damn near bleeding from the shocks and tugging. She wasn't much of one to simply rest, no. She was a fighter. Surely she'd fight her way through this, keep up her reputation. The Stubborn One.

Vision blurred, and so was her hearing, but she could still hear the chatter outside that door of the droids communicating soullessly. It was a sharp, high-pitched sound in her ears, something that made her cringe each and every time. Small clanking of the feet of them only added to the pain in her ears. But suddenly, the footsteps were heavier, slower, not metal. Lora could only breathe out the way she only thought it was Dooku back to, perhaps, finish her off. Get it over with. The buzz of a lightsaber, and the clanking of the droids and a few shots from them added to her rather increased hearing.

Then, there was a few pressings and taps on the door, and it opened. She squinted her eyes, expecting the worst, but the figure came closer, kneeling beside her and the laser went away. Breathing increased and a hand moved her hair from her face. She tried to shake her head, but nothing happened but a small noise of what could be considered defeat. "No, no, it's alright. I'm here to rescue you, Miss," the soft male's voice spoke, the other hand helping her lift off the wall and to sit up straight. Lora cringed slightly, brown eyes fluttering to try and see her savior better, but all she could get out was a cloaked figure, obviously male, and slightly long hair. For the moment, she'd just have to trust him, seeing as she had no alternative. "Can you walk?" he had asked, snaking an arm under hers and tried to pull her up. She nodded weakly in response, legs shakily trying to support her petite body, but it only failed when one knee buckled and down her body went. The male grunted, rushing to catch her from falling down again. A small apology tried to pry out of the violet haired young adult's lips, but only a small noise came out.

However, word moved fast of the sudden shortage of those droids, and more were on their way, and Lora could hear the small clanking steps of them marching closer. They were moving along, slowly and steadily, but it was good enough to have them progressing. He carried her, there wasn't a lot to carry, she wasn't exactly heavy. She breathed out, she could hear them coming, and she knew her legs were needed to help. Lora tried to walk along, as hard as it was, but she tried anyhow. "We're nearing the escape, come along," the stranger informed quietly, making sure to keep everything low key.

"Not so fast."

Her heart sank, but it then set still when the pain jolted in her wrists again. Her face pulled into a pained expression, a small and weak whimper escaping from her mouth. Lora's Savior took a glance at the purple haired girl and then glared at the Sith. "Let her go," he demanded. However, the pain didn't end. The young woman felt her knees buckle, all her weight shifting onto the man who held her. She wanted to beg for it to end, but she couldn't bring her mouth to connect with the side of her mind that wanted to live. "Let her go, Dooku!" The man commanded, though louder and more stern than before. There was a laugh that came from the older man, and then the jolts faded away. Though weak and unable to stay conscious, Lora could feel her eyes starting to close as the world around her got darker. She was, of course, still breathing, but she could hardly handle any more of the pain.

The man set down Lora gently and then stood up once more, realizing what sort of twisted trap this was. He turned towards Dooku, lips pursed. "Master Kenobi, and I thought you were smarter than this. Have you come alone?" The Sith smiled malevolently, his voice almost taunting.

That was when the Jedi shook his head, "Oh, of course not," he smirked, hands moving up to lift the good from his head to let the light show his face. From behind him, another cloaked figure appeared, lightsaber ignited already, he was covered in black, while the other was in lighter colors. Jedi colors. Browns and tans, all perfectly coordinated in layers. The one in the darker robes was younger than the other, but not by much. Boy, did he have a reputation already, though. Even in the lower areas, where scum moved across the skies and streets in search of wealth, trouble, and more wealth. Lora knew of him, and that was bad enough.

"We meet again, Dooku," the younger one stated, though calm and collected, yet stern and fierce. Just like his reputation told of him. All the stories saying how he shouldn't be pushed to his limits, because everyone who did never lived to tell the tale. Though, those creatures knew how to exaggerate. The only thing that everyone knew for sure was that this man's name was Anakin Skywalker, and no one should cross him.

"Indeed, Skywalker," the man grinned in return, though he showed no signs of a need to attack or not. "I see you've come along to see to this young woman's aid. You do know who this is, correct?" The young Jedi glanced at the unconscious Lora, then to his Master.

"Take her. See she gets safety," Kenobi muttered, eyes never leaving his opponent. Anakin hesitated, showing a sign that he didn't necessarily want to let his companion have all the fun. But then he moved to take the girl. The other's eyes flickered over to the side, his hand making a gentle movement, and all at once, a pipe was broken, the area filled with smoke quickly, and Jedi Master took hold of the girl, lifting her over his shoulder. "Have you got her belongings?" he asked while moving quickly out of the smoke and leading his padawan.

"Already have," Skywalker replied, glancing at Lora over his master's shoulder. "This has gotten more complicated than we expected, her being like that." He soon took lead, leading the two down the path in which they came. However, the other stopped them.

"Escape pods," he suggested quickly.

"Are you sure about that, Master? Who knows when she'll wake up," the younger one replied.

"It may be our only option." With a sigh, the other complied, following the lead of the older one and running down the hall. It took not even a minute to find what they had been searching for.

The two moved into a small pod, both settling and lying the purple haired nymph on the ground, both surrounding her and keeping her steady as the pod closed off and launched.

"You believe she's worth all the Council says she is?" Anakin asked, the notice of curiosity in his voice. He looked down at her, brows furrowed in a way to see if he could figure her out just by a glance. He couldn't.

"I do. Let's just hope she isn't as stubborn as they say she is," the other replied. He still had his cloak on, as did the other, though his focus was on other things. "If she is," he glanced at his padawan, "we may never get to her."

A small noise came from the petite body, her head starting to move from side to side. Brown eyes fluttered open, peeking through her lids and seeing two blurry figures above her. "W-Where am I?" She asked, voice dragging out in grogginess. "I'm not dead, am I?" Lora then tried to move her hand to rub her eye, but it was caught on something. "I'm cuffed.." she then groaned.

The Jedi master then leaned down, lifting up the girl to sit up, then looking at the cuffs around her wrists. With a small hand gesture, they fell from her hands. With her newfound freedom, she moved her hands over her face, rubbing her eyes like a sleepy child and looked up. "So, uh, I don't think I've met you two, have I?" Lora asked, her face still showing that she was processing her situation. "I don't owe you guys, right?"

The Jedi Master smiled slightly and shook his head, "No. You're safe now. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. This is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker." He gestured to the younger one, who had given her a small nod.

"Wait a second-- Jedi?" Lora asked, "What do you folk want with me? Whatever it was, blame the Hutts. They made me do it."

Anakin let out a faint chuckle, "Calm down, you aren't in trouble, Miss Tybalt."

"We have something we think we could use your help on," the Kenobi fellow said calmly. "You're a mechanic, of sorts, correct?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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