part 3

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After dinner was over i was sent off to bed. My room was right next to the living room so I could still hear ayla and logan talking.

"I just adopted her today and I already lover her to death" says logan.

"Yeah, she's a real sweetheart, she seems like a nice girl. I feel awful for her background." Ayla replies.

"I do to, nobody deserves to live like that, I'm so glad I got her away from that damned house."

"I am too. But why exactly did you want to adopt a daughter?" Oh my, this is something I want to know so fucking much.

"Well, Um, I know a lot of people live alone, and I know most people are able to live that way. And even though i hang out with tons of people, it gets lonely. I've been wanting to start a family for a long time now and I just couldn't wait long enough to find the right girl. So I decided I wanted a kid, I wanted somebody to protect." Says logan, I could hear the crack in his voice every once in a while.

"Logan. It's alright, you've got Doreen now and she's your new daughter, she's yours to spoil and love. She already seems to be making you happy and she seems happy herself here. I gotta say I'm starting to love her too!" She tells logan.

Then I hear somebody getting up and some light footsteps and I hear my door open just a bit. I quickly close my eyes and male it look like I'm asleep. I hear logan at the door whispering to ayla "look how beautiful she is. She's the daughter I've always wanted."

I pretend to get a bit restless and wake up and look over. We have the room planned out but we haven't done anything to it yet so I'm still on a mattress on the floor, I have to look up to see their faces.

Logan whispers "hey, darling. I just wanted to say goodnight and I love you."

" I love you too." I mumble back. Then I can't help but fall fast asleep but as I'm about to drift off, I feel a light kiss on my forehead but I can't open my eyes before I completely doze off.


I wake up before logan does and ayla must have left later last night. I walk to the kitchen and open a drawer and grab a razor out of a pack and take it to my room and hide it in my backpack before walking back out to find logan walking out of his room.

"Hey, want some breakfast on this fine morning?" He asks as he let's out a small laugh. It's pouring rain outside. He starts to stretch and yells for no apparent reason and I laugh. "Well good thing you don't mind loud noises and random screaming, I'm a loud person" he tells me.

"Haha, no. I don't mind it one bit, my brother used to be just like you." I tell him. Laughing it off as I started to think more and more about my brother.

"Well then it's like a little slice of home I guess. Today where gonna go clothes shopping to fill your new closet, of course I'm not big on shopping so ayla will tag along with us. But before we start our day wanna go out and get a gains bowl for breakfast?" He says to me with a smile.

"I've never heard of a gains bowl but I'll certainly try it. I love to try new things" I tell him. I looovvveee to do new things and try new things all the time.


after we got back with our gains bowl, we sat down and ate together and I'll admit, it was really good.

Then I heard the door open and ayla came in and set her keys on the counter to come sit next to us. I know logan is single but so far him and ayla have acted like they were married. Haha.

Logan quickly finished his gains bowl and I wasn't far behind. "So, Doreen" ayla said. "What type of style do you like for clothes?" She asked me.

"Um, I usually just like skinny jeans and a t-shirt." I tell her.

"Well the let's find the best jeans and t-shirts this world has ever fucking seen!" Logan yelled.

We all laugh and start our way to the car. This is it, this must be what happiness feels like, it's still a new concept to me though.

When we got into the car ayla was the one driving. We started our way to the mall until I realized we were driving past it. "Hey, weren't we going to the mall?" I ask.

"We're making a stop at Logan's brothers house, his name is jake." Ayla tells me.

"Oh, okay" I reply.


Finally we arrive at Jake's house which was just a few minutes from the mall itself. As we pulled into the driveway logan looked at me and said "when we get in there. Never ever say you are a Jake pauler, that's a sin in my house" he laughs.

"Um, okay?" I reply. They both laugh.

Then we all get out of the car and instead of knocking on the door logan just opens it and walks in.

"Jakeyyyyy!" Logan yells as he runs up and hugs him.

"Logan!" Jake yells back as they crash into each other in a huge bear hug.

"Okay so Jake" logan said "what would you say if I tell you I made my happiest decision ever?"

"I would say woohoo because that means you'll be happy?" Jake replied.

Ayla then hid me behind the staircase and I realized what was happening, logan didn't tell Jake he was adopting me.

"Well I did make my happiest decision ever, are you ready to see?" Logan asked.

"Yes! Of course!" Jake replies.

"Alright, ayla, bring in the" logan yells.

logan pauls adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now