Chapter 13: Lost in Translation

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-Tori's POV-

"I said... Don't ignore me," Maddie Hall said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You know what I want. I want you to leave. Seeing as you're not going to leave on your own, I'm going to make you leave," Maddie said.

"Go to hell," I said.

"Want to say that again?" Maddie threatened.

"Go... To... Hell..." I said. That pissed Maddie off. Next thing I know, I'm thrown against a tree.

"I warned you," Maddie said getting up in my face.

"Let me go!!" I basically scream.

"Why? You look pretty against a tree," She spit.

"That's disgusting," I spat back.

"Whatever. I'll make you a deal," Maddie said.

"What?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"I'll leave you alone, for now, as long as.."

"As long as what?" I cut her off.

"If you'd let me finish.... Stay away Danielle. Jason. Everyone. Don't want to drag them into this deal, do you?" Maddie blackmailed.

"Fine, but you have to leave Dani alone as well," I negotiated.

"That's not part of the deal. Sorry Victoria," Maddie said disappearing into thin air. I fell down to the ground. I started coughing.

'How am I suppose to stay away from my friends?' I think. I sighed and got up off the ground. I started walking back home thinking about what I had just done.

'Did I do the right thing?' I ask myself. 'Did I?'

Danielle's POV-

I rode back up to Coach Hogan's house in the truck feeling very uneasy... What was Maddie Hall trying to do? Who did she think she was?

I felt a hand touch my leg and rub up and down... It was Coach Hogan... This honestly felt a little relaxing....

I looked at him, and he looked so good, and I was starting to get a little hot. When we finally got home, I got out of the truck and ran to the pool in the backyard. It was a sweltering afternoon ....Or was it me?

I took off my clothes but kept my bra and panties on...I wasnt a major fan of skinny dipping to be honest. I looked at the reflection in the water. It wasnt me.. It was Maddie Hall....

'Damn....why does this keep happening?' I thought as I looked up. I admired Coach Hogans impressive shirtless body..... Every inch of him was perfect. His shirt was on the patio table, and I looked up to see him jump in and leave a blast of water all over me. I laughed as he swam over to me and pulled me into him. He smelled so good.

I felt his manhood slide slowly into my woman hood as he pushed me towards the wall of the pool.

I moaned as he whispered "I know you've been wanting this all day."

"Yes, Daddy," I groaned as he rocked slowly in and out as the water swayed along with him. I kinda felt queasy, but I mean getting laid in a swimming pool is not the normal place for such circumstances.


I looked down and saw the water slowly turn to blood. I screamed as I saw it overtake the pool, and I started clinging to the ladder to get out. Eventually Coach Hogan got the point and freaked out too.... Suddenly, after we got out, the words "What I have written, I have written" appears blood red in the water.... I stared at the words until they disappeared.

"What the fuck was that supposed to mean?" I question out loud.

"Its a biblical reference to when Jesus died. Pontius Pilate said that when he washed his hands of Jesus' blood when he was sentenced to death," Hogan said.

"Okay... And? Why is this Pilate dude in the swimming pool?" I question.

"Its not him, its her..."  he said as I looked down again. There she was again.... Damn her. Maddie Hall and her evil grin.....

"Enjoying how big he is, aren't you? Mind if I watch?" The reflection of Maddie Hall said.

"Fuck off, Maddie," I said as I dried myself off.

"You better think twice before you say that again," she said as she disappeared.

I could not believe that Maddie Hall had done that.... Invading an intimate moment like that...

"Danielle!! Danielle!!! She's after us!!" I hear. I go to the front yard where Jason Matthews is running up the driveway..

Bring it on, Maddie Hall....


Song of the day: H.O.L.Y. by Florida Georgia Line

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