Dark Roasts and Blonde Girls

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The warm, sheltered people inside of the coffee shop seemed to taunt Fareeha as she ran towards them with open arms, never before had anyone been as happy to see sliding glass doors as she was in this moment. The drenched girl sighed with pleasure as the warm air above the doors hit the top of her head.

 "Dark Roast, please." Fareeha unzipped her raincoat as she spoke to the petite barista.

"Cream too?" The baristas voice was soft, and quiet.

"Yeah, thanks." Fareeha was happy she got into the line when she did, there were many other uncomfortable people waiting behind her.
     "Dark Roast with cream?" That was quicker than expected. The tall, black-haired  woman walked over to the employee and took her latte, thanking him.

 Luckily for her, there just happened to be a vacant booth next to the window. Fareeha plopped in her earbuds and sipped her coffee.


 Out of the blue, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. It was a blonde-haired woman wearing a yellow jacket. She was reeeaaaallly hot.

"Excuse me, is the seat opposite you taken? There aren't any other seats, and I don't want to be intrusive."

"No, it's fine! Please sit. It's not often a pretty lady like yourself approaches me." The lady giggled, making Fareeha blush.

"Quite the charmer, I see?" She lay her umbrella against the chair and unravelled her scarf. "I'm Angela. You?" Angela had a thick, European accent. Probably Swiss?

"Fareeha." Angela smiled sweetly and sipped her coffee.

"I like the gold beads in your hair. Paired with the udjat tattoo and the accent, are you Egyptian?" Fareeha chuckled.

"That obvious? Yes, I'm proud of my heritage. Things like my appearance let me subtly show it off." Angela nodded. "The only thing that really ties me to my birthplace on the outside is my voice. At work people call me "Doctor With the Accent'." She joked. "It's annoying sometimes."

"You're a doctor?" Fareeha asked. Angela sipped her coffee and nodded. "I'm a private doctor up north. It's a great place, I just hate the train rides."  She smiled at the table. "What do you do for a living, Fareeha?" The way Angela said Fareeha's name made the girl laugh.

"I'm a bodyguard, ex-military. Right now I'm for hire, but I'm thinking the place I'm at right now might want me permanently if I make a good impression. I get what you mean about the train rides, I  live up North, but my job is just across the street from here."

     The sound of loud, somewhat grumpy customers had died down, a cheesy CD of last years greatest hits replacing it. Fareeha gazed out the window, sipping her coffee and watching the drops of water aggressively bounce against the window. She thought about leaving the coffee shop alone without an umbrella and shivered.

Looking at Angela make her wonder if this would really amount to anything. Even if they did somehow get together, how would her mother react? To be honest, her mother would be happy she found anyone at all, her dedication to the military put her social life on hold, friends either married or shot in front of her in battle.

"You live up North? Maybe I could stay over some time, save me a train ride." Angela winked mischievously. Fareeha laughed.

"If only I knew your number, I could text you my address." Angela took her phone from her pocket, it was a rose gold iPhone with a cherry blossom case, simplistic and elegant.

"It might just be your lucky day, Fareeha."

     The girls exchanged numbers. Fareeha went to take a sip of her latte to find she had already finished it.

"Ah, I'm out of coffee already?" Angela sighed.

"Empty here." Fareeha wrapped her headphones around her phone and slid them in her pocket.
"So," Angela started wrapping up her scarf. "Are you heading to the train station? My apartment is close to here, so i can lend you my umbrella if you need it." Fareeha politely declined, even though she desperately wanted the umbrella.

"You should keep yourself dry, I don't need it." Angela frowned.

"Yeah, you dont need it if you want to catch a cold! Besides, if you take it, I suppose I'll have to see you again if I want it back." Fareeha laughed.

"I'm convinced."

     The two women left the coffee shop together. Unexpectedly, Angela hugged Fareeha. She blushed, they hadn't actually been this close yet, considering they met about and hour and a half ago.

"Safe train ride, Fareeha. Text me later!" Angela flipped up her hood and briskly walked down the wet pavement, narrowly avoiding the puddle in her path.

Fareeha smiled. Somehow feeling warm in the cold rain.

Hello! My name is Jin, and this is my first published story!
I enjoy writing gxg in my spare time so I thought I would make a fanfiction to publish, too.
Pharmercy is my shitttttttt

I am really nervous publishing this, I've read it over 50 times and re-written this single chapter too many times to count! >○>

My writing will definitely improve in time, I am just a bab right now so stay tuned! <<3

Reading it now i realise it's too short and fast paced, so think of it as a prologue? bleh

ty for reading boos + reece

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