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"Nagisa" I heard my name being called by a familiar voice. For some reason, I refused to open my eyes. "Hey, Nagisa" a groaned escaped from my throat as I lifted my head to look at a very irritating redhead.

"What is it?" I asked, my body straightening itself and cracking for my position when I went to take a nap. Karma leaned against the windowsill, his eyes looking at the sky.

"Sensei is calling for you" another groaned came out of my vocal chords. 

"I just came back from an assignment and he wants to throw me into another one? I'm human, you know." Karma grinned and lifted his arms as a way of surrender.

"Don't blame me. It is your own fault for being so good at this." I glared him down as I started to make my way to Sensei's office. All of the students were scattered around the Academy. Fortunately, they were almost none in the hallway as I stomped with anger, reaching the office.

"Sensei!" the door was unlocked, to my surprise, which made my tasked of slamming it against the wall easier. "Sensei, please tell me it is not another assignment." All I received? A giggle. An irk mark appeared on my forehead.

"Well, well, Nagisa-kun. You're the best student we have, after all. It would be wrong to send another person. Even more with this assignment in particular. If it makes you feel better, though, you can take Karma-kun with you." I sighed, relieved. 

"Fine, but after I'm done with this one, I need vacations for a whole month, got it?" His grinned widened while his heard started to nod. Another irk mark. "Tell me what I need to know to do this." Sensei took out a folder and placed it carefully on top of his desk.

"It was so heartbreaking to take this but, a job is a job, no favoritism included. We cannot let our feeling interfere." He choked a dramatical sob, which brought another irk mark to my forehead. This man will be the death of me. "Take this photo with you. Also, written in this paper is the information of your target. And this right here is the money that you'll need." I took everything on my hands. The first thing I noticed was the money.

"Sensei, why all of this?" He shrugged.

"You're traveling out of the country for this one. Russia, apparently." I nodded and took the photo between two fingers to take a better look at the same time that I asked.

"The name?" Meaningless, seeing as my muscles contracted and my throat closed, recognizing the face in the picture. Sensei, though, felt that he needed to give me what I asked.

"Nikiforov, the famous skater. Victor Nikiforov." My eyes kept looking at the picture with shock. Why? I asked. Why does it have to be you? In front of me, Koro-sensei tilted his head. "Nagisa-kun? Are you okay?" I was brought out of my trance and I swallowed, trying to make my best to conceal my emotions.

"Yes, I was just shocked that it was such a famous skater. What a loss, right?" Sensei brought out a handkerchief to dry the tears that were falling out of his eyes.

"I know, I was the thinking the same!" He kept crying over as I walked out. And, in all of this, a question kept repeating itself inside my mind. Why you?

2 years earlier.

It was raining heavily all around town. Few people were out of their houses in this terrible weather that was drowning the streets at a quick pace. One person in particular was nowhere near to his house. Police sirens could be heard close by and the sneezed of the person that was hiding in the shadows.

"Are you okay?" the boy jumped, startled, when a strange voice spoke. "You must be freezing out here." The boy moved away from the stranger without thinking it twice. His mistake was not being aware of his surroundings as his head hit the wall in the hurry to move. The stranger flinched. "That must have hurt, do you need help?" The boy shook his head a few times. "Okay, but you still must be freezing. Come with me, I'll treat you to some food and warm clothes" The stranger held up his left hand, waiting for the boy to take it. That was the decision that he had to take. The hand or the cold and empty building. Thinking about for some time, the boy took the stranger's hand as it was retracting, startling its owner a little bit.

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