Who am I??

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I was tagged to give facts about me so????

1. As of seen besides writing I am an artist. I love drawing ❤️

2. I am a 13 year old Christian but meh

3. I am musical trash. At the moment I scream every time someone brings up Hamilton.

4. Lafayette is bae omg

5.chicken wings???

6. I play piano and I really want to learn how to play ukulele

7. I absolutely love school

8. Although I can draw I can not paint to save my life

9. If I was stuck in a room and the only way for me to survive/escape would be to eat a tomato, I would die.

10. I am 5,7 and do not look my age. If someone were to see me in real life they would be like 'nope you are a freshman no way that you are 13 that's impossible.'

11. Overly obsessed with anime but I can't update my fanfictions because I hop from one fandom to another so by the time I make full circle I cringe and can't write.

12. I'm and introvert and have severe anxiety. I get many panic attacks.

13. Although I'm an introvert I'm friends with a lot of popular and extremely extroverted people so by the time I get home I am exhausted from interacting.

14. I wish I had more internet friends because I'm stuck in a little old town and I want to expand but I am too awkward to ask people so I have them come to me (therefore I have no internet friends cuz I'm a baby)

15. I would kill a man for sweet and salty pretzel Carmel ice cream.


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