Chapter 1

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I walked into the A lair which my black hoodie and combat boots. Mona was sitting there planning everything out for the night. It was labour day. The night me and mona will kill alison dilaurentis. We needed to make sure everything was perfectly in place.

"You done yet?" I asked mona

" Almost." She replied

A moment passed I got my new iPhone until she broke the silence

" look, alexa. After tonight we need to carry one with our lives until her body shows up. Pretend that nothing ever happened. And I need you to befriend spencer. She's the smartest, the one with the most dirt and the brains, Can you do that ?"

" of course" I replied and we walked out the door.

Mona had the rock and I had one aswell. The plan was to go our seperate ways and if we find her, we kill her. And we notify the other that we did the job. The car ride was silent. Mona was driving and I was in the passenger seat,

Other than a rock I had a hockey stick. In a hour we were back in rosewood and we went our seperate ways. I stayed around the hastings mansion. I really didn't want to kill her. Yes, I do hate Alison's guts and yes she deserves to die but I didn't want to go to prison. I want mona to see her before I do. Time went by slowly and I heared the girls giggling in the hastings barn. Talking about boys and fashion. But it died down eventually. I nearly fell asleep waiting to strike until I saw a yellow figure move and it was Alison, she was talking to Toby Cavanaugh. I couldn't hear what they were saying but they were saying something, and with time that conversation ended and Alison went into a car. The driver was tall with dark hair and brown eyes, he was talking to her sternly, like he was angry and then I saw her go into the woods and I went in as well. She was walking at a fast speed, but I could keep up or a least make sure she was in my vision. She walked to the kissing rock and there waiting was Ian Thomas. Alison mentioned some videos and Ian went crazy and he threatened to kill her. And then walked off.

I continued to follow Alison but my sleepiness got the best of me, I lost her. I hated myself for it, what would mona say? I was worried until I saw that same yellow flicker for before. I had to kill her, now. It was my only shot.

I got close, slowly and I then I ran towards her and hit her with the stick at the back of her head. She fell instantly and blood spilled everywhere.

I turned her around so she was facing me. I Gasped in shock. This wasn't Alison. It was a completely random girl. She had blue eyes and blonde hair like Ali but it wasn't her. I didn't know what to do. I rang mona

'Did you kill her?" Mona asked

'I thought I did, but I killed someone who looked like her. I need your help mona. What do I do' I asked

" bury her there. Now" she said

I buried her right there. I was panicking. I was scared until mona rang.

" we have a problem. I hit her with a rock. Mrs DiLurentis buried her, but someone pulled her out. I'm with Ali at room 1. Get the body bag and bury That girl in the front yard, cement will cover it tomorrow and it will all be done. Okay. " said mona

"Okay" I replied

I dug out this girls body, and put her in the bag of my car and I drove her to the DiLaurentis' and buried her. I then headed home.

I will never ever ever speak of this again.

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