Chapter 1: Welcome to my world

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My name is Candice Johnson! That's right the peppy light hearted, loving girl that everyone is Oak Grove knows about. You know, the "perfect" girl. The one who passes all my tests, the one everyone loves, always has the right thing to say. Yup, that's me. I love the idea that people have of me, being such an angel and perfect, it's kind of nice. That's enough about me though, I want to know more about you! Come join the newspaper club today and hang out with us! 

"Thank you Candice! I'm positive that this will get more people to join when they watch it!" Some random chick I don't know calls out to me. Only to be polite I reply back with a smiley you're welcome. I get up from the makeout couch and swing my backpack over my shoulder hoping I don't knock over the camcorder. I pull my curls out from the straps and head out to the hall where I see all the heads turn to me. I love all the attention, makes me feel like a super model. I hug a few girls who run up to me and give my brightest smile to all those around me. A little kindness really goes a long way.

I push open the creaky door towards the parking lot when I see a flash of blue running towards me. I can barely put my bag down before my feet leave the ground and I'm being spun around. "Matthew what are you doing?" I laugh. "Hows the queen of the school on this lovely evening?" I look at the gray storm clouds coming in and playfully smack him. "You know I hate being called that and it's worse since you showed up and tried to kidnap me!" He pretends to be hurt while I laugh. "Fine I'll just.." It's not long before I'm swept up again and he's running off with me. I hear his friends cheering that he's scored another one before he drops me in the grass by the football field. "MATTHEW THIS IS MY BRAND NEW SHIRT!" I whine, loudly. He laughs and helps me dust off before walking me back to the front of the building.

I grab my bag and hug Matthew, I love this boy so much. "I better get home and study for Mr. Townsend's test tomorrow, and you should get to tutoring!" I call out over my shoulder. I get to my car and see that it's got pink balloons all over it, not another promposal. I groan as I untie them from my car and put them inside. I wish people would stop asking me, I hate telling people no, and I don't want a date because then it might make someone else upset. I just want to go alone and enjoy the night with friends without having to worry about making someone else happy.  I get in and crack my sunroof to get some fresh air in while I wait on my little brother, he's always so late. After a while I see him sulking up to the car. "Hey Logan! How was your day?" I pull out of my parking spot. "It was alright." I can tell he's already putting his earbuds in so he doesn't have to talk to me. Whatever. That's just little brothers.

When we walk in the door I get my usual grand welcome with my mom running in to hug me and kiss me. "How was your day sweetie? How was all your classes? How was that cute little Mark boy you always hang out with?" I laugh as she messes his name up yet again while Logan walks straight past us to his room and slams the door. "We need to teach that boys some manners some day, but for now lets talk about you." My mom didn't even wince at the slam. "Well I was in a video for the newspaper club because they thought if people saw me then they would want to join the club, I made a 100 on my Math popquiz today and it's Matthew not Mark and he's good" My mom just smiles even brighter. I can't help but hug her, shes just always so happy. When I let go I tell her I'm going to go study and head upstairs to my room. 

When I got to high school my parents gave me the whole upstairs to myself. I climb onto my bed and begin studying for Mr. Townsends test on ethics. I pull out my books and as soon as I open my notes, I get a video call from Matthew. "I'm studying dimwit" I hang up on him. As a normal clingy Matthew he calls right back. "PURPLE HIPPOS" he  yells out as soon as I hit accept call. I laugh so hard that I literally fall off my bed and end up laughing harder. "Alright you've got my attention, whats up?" "I need your help, it's an emergency." I grab my keys and run out of my room as fast as I can. I fly down the stairs and to my car yelling out to my mom I'll be back soon. I start driving to Matthew's house when he suddenly decides to tell me halfway down the road he's actually at Morgan's house. I groan as I make a U-turn. "Why do you need me to pick you up? Isn't she tutoring you?" "She was supposed to but it turns out she just wanted sex from me and well you know" I roll my eyes at him. I don't really know what he wants me to do about any of it, or why he cares what she wants, he sleeps with all the girls anyway. "I'll be there soon." I hang up on him so he won't see me get upset.

When I finally get there I ring the doorbell. A few minutes later Morgan cracks open the door. "What are you doing here?" I see Matthew grabbing his bag behind her. "I'm just picking Matthew up, his mom wants him home." She opens the door about to protest before he darts out and practically jumps into my car. I shrug and turn to head back to my car. "Don't tell anyone he rejected me, ok?" I turn back around to face her, mean girl act dropped. "What?" I ask feeling really bad for her. "I know he sleeps with every girl, I just don't want the whole world to know he rejected me, you wouldn't understand, but could you please not tell anyone?" I give her a soft smile. "I won't tell a soul, and I will make sure he doesn't either." Her face lit up, and I heard a soft thank you as I walked down the steps to my car.

When I get in, Matthew has already changed my radio station to some crappy rap music. "You're going home now." "Yes Mother" he teases.

I make it home in time to make it to dinner. I walk into the scrumptious aroma of baked chicken. I see my mom and dad setting up the table just around the corner, Logan's door is still shut. "Oh our baby is home!" I hug Dad and say hello to mom again. When we get the food set out they were about to begin gratitude time, which is where everyone says something they're grateful every night before we eat,  but I interject and reminded them that Logan needed to be here for then to. I got up and knocked on his door, hearing his loud rock music blasting. "Dinner time!" I call. He opens the door and looks down at me, did I mention he is way taller than the rest of us and most people his age? "What do you want princess?" "It's dinner time, come eat" He rolls his eyes but reluctantly follows.

We sit down and my mom begins gratitude time. "I'm grateful for Candice's outstanding grades"I blush. Dad is next. "I'm grateful that we had such a beautiful daughter." I hear Logan sigh next to me. "I'm grateful for my best friend Matthew" Mom and Dad say 'awww' while Logan lets out yet another long sigh. "I'm grateful for music so I don't have to listen to this crap." Dad gives him a stern look. I try to ease things "Let's eat!" 

After dinner I take my shower and end the night with some yoga to relax. I hear Pierce the Veil blasting down stairs and shut my door. That boy just has no respect, and it seems like everyday he gets worse and worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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