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Y/n pov (y/n/n=your nickname)
"Hey wy" "hey y/n/n" me and Wyatt have always been friends but nothing more but I wish we were on the way back from school me and wy were talking about random stuff when he said "y/n/n I have something to tell you" " you know you can tell me anything" " I got a girlfriend!" When he said that I felt my heart shattering now this is were being an actor comes in handy "that's great wy who is she!" you act the best you could when you really wanted to die inside "her names hanna(if you need to change the name) she's really pretty and nice to me" oh god that girl no not that girl please not that girl "tanner,Hanna tanner?" "Yup!" Oh god help me she's so mean to me when he's not there and she's dated all most every guy at school but she's the prettiest girl in school she's a real life Barbie doll I never have a chance against her finally we get to my house I unlocked my door and rushed in "bye Wyatt" I said as quick as possible and shut my door and ran to my room and sat in the corner and made sure you couldn't see me through the window because I didn't want anyone to see me cry after a good I don't know how long of crying I finally stopped crying then I got a call from wy "hello?" " hey y/n/n" "hey why" "why do you sound like you been crying" " oh it's probably just my phone" "oh ok well I just wanted to tell you good night" " oh good night wy" then he hung up
----time skip to the next week at school
Mean what you usually have classes together but it lunchtime you're always it together just me and him I don't have many friends so it's just me and him but that day he went to go sit with Hannah so I had to eat alone after lunch I want to go ask him why he didn't sit with me but he was too busy talking to Hannah and whenever I would try to get his attention and it would do something to get his attention away from me so I went on with my day
-------skip to after school
I went to were me and Wyatt usually meet up after school to walk home together "hey wy wanna....." as I was talking I looked up from my phone to see him and Hanna making out it felt like my heart is being ripped out of my chest i just walked away tearing up and tried my best not to cry and I walked home alone with my earbuds in blasting my favorite song right when I got to my door I heard something say my name but I brushed it off and unlocked my door and someone grabbed my wrist and I froze because I thought I was about to get robbed or something so I put my hand up and slowly turned around with my eyes closed "p-please don't h-hurt me" who ever it was took out my earbuds and was laughing "don't worry y/n I won't hurt you" the voice sounded too familiar I opened my eyes "WYATT you scared the crap out of me wtf" now I really wish I was being robbed "why didn't you meet me at the spot so we could walk home together?" "well I saw you a little 'busy' with Hanna so I left" "about that we broke up" "b-but you guys were like...making out" " no we weren't she kissed me and turned out she was using me but I never liked her anyway" "th-then why did you date her?" "because there's this girl Ive been in love with for as long as I can remember and I thought the only way to get her off my mind all the time was to get a girlfriend to distract me" oh well there goes my heart again "who?" I asked try my best not to cry "well you know her really really well" "how your my only friend" "well...she the most beautiful,adorable,cutest,funniest,kind,loving,and talented person I know" he said smiling at the ground "she has beautiful y/h/c hair,big y/e/c eyes,and the cutest smile and laugh ever her laugh is like music to my ears" "and whenever I'm around her...I get a warm feeling inside and it make me smile" he finally look up at me but I couldn't figure out who he's talking about I just looked at him confused "oh f this" he mumble before I could say anything I felt his lips on my lips and didn't know what was happening but when I realized what was I kissed back and we both smiled in the kiss and broke away from each other "Y/n will you make me the happiest boy alive and be my girlfriend?" "OF COURSE"
Today was the best day ever

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