Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Abby Effendy

                                                                  Chapter One

In a late afternoon of Saturday…

The three of them is in Minhwan’s house since he came from a rich family so he was able to own a house for such a young age. They were talking about Jaejin and Yuri’s (the ex girlfriend) thing, the two guys were drinking beer and Abby is only drinking juice because Jaejin won’t allow her to drink beers.

Abby: “Jin, are you okay? You already reach your limit, so please stop drinking now? Please.”

Jaejin and Minhwan already drink four bottles of beers each of them and they are now tipsy.

Minhwan: “yeah jin, let’s stop now, let’s sleep in my room, I’m so sleepy now.*yawn* “

Jaejin: “I’ll just uhhh*burp* finish my last bottle. You sleep first Minari (his nickname), bring aaa nevermind, you go first and leave Abby here with me”

Minhwan stand up immediately and went to his room but the truth is he is not yet drunk or tipsy, he is just pretending to leave the two behind to talk because for him Jaejin also love Abby but he doesn’t recognized the feeling yet and still overwhelmed with the Yuri thing.

Abby: “now Jin please stop drinking now!”

Jaejin is not answering her. Abby is getting angry because she don’t want that every time Jaejin is getting drunk because Jaejin has an allegry to alcohol but it can still tolerate by Jaejin’s body.

Abby: “IF YOU WON’T STOP, I’LL LEAVE YOU HERE!” Abby shouts at him.

Still Jaejin is not answering her and just drinking his beer. Abby stands up because she is really angry now.


When Jaejin heard Abby about going home alone, he stands immediately and grabs Abby’s hand because he don’t want that Abby will go home by herself because he’s too protective to her.

Jaejin: “you know you are not allowed to go home alone especially at night, right Ab?”

Abby: “I don’t care anymore Jin, I don’t care if something will happen me out there”

Jaejn: “I’m sorry Ab, I know you are angry to me right now for what I am doing to myself. Please do understand, of all the people I know you are the only one knows how hurt I am now because of what Yuri did to me.”

Upon hearing it Abby is now calm and guided Jaejin to seat in the sofa because he is now weak and shedding tears. When they reach the sofa they immediately sit and Jaejin hugs Abby so tight. Abby let him hug her because it’s the only thing that he could do for Jaejin that moment. And Neiji went to ho his room to wash up and sleep.

Abby: “Goatie, just cry it all to me now, but promise me, after this night you will not drink again because of her. Promise me goatie?”

Jaejin nodded: “I promise Ab.*sobs sobs* Wow! You call me goatie *sobs sobs*”

Abby: “Why Jin? I can’t call you Goatie anymore?”

Jaejin finally release Abby and face her: “No Ab, it’s just  ... *sobs sobs* I missed it... It’s been a long time since the last time you call me Goatie, it’s the time when Yuri and I starting dating. Why Ab?”

Abby knows what Jaejin is talking about but she pretends that she doesn’t know: “Why what?”

Jaejin: “Why did you stop calling me Goatie?”

Abby give a weak laugh. “HAHAH I don’t want to humiliate you in front of your girlfriend Jin.”

But the truth is Abby is so jealous of Yuri that time, and Goatie is her special endearment to Jaejin. Then she wipes the tears of Jaejin using his thumbs when Jaejin holds her both hands that is on Jaejin’s face.

Jaejin: “Don’t pull back Ab, please. I need your warm hand right now; you know you are the only one who can calm me.”

Abby just nodded and just feel the moment because it was so special to her. And it’s true, it’s only her that can calm Jaejin even Yuri can’t calm him when he is crying so hard like it was the time that his pet died.

Jaejn: “Where did I go wrong Ab? Don’t I deserve to be loved?? Aish!! I’m so stupid not to discover that she’s not inlove with me anymore. I’m so stupid *sobs sobs*”

Abby hug him so tight to comfort his best friend and she hates so much seeing him like that.

Abby: “Jin, it’s not your fault if Yuri would love somebody else or whatever her reason of letting you go; you did everything for her but she still she did hurt and leave you. Jin... Maybe it’s just that you’re not meant for each other. Just wait for the girl that will love you eternity Jin I know there is someone will love you more than how much you love Yuri.”

Jaejin stop crying now and wipe his tears away and he looks Abby with a question look.

Jaejin: “Ab can you promise me one thing?”

 Abby was confused but still nodded: “Sure what it is my goatie?”

Jaejin: “Promise me that you will never leave me like what Yuri did. Please”

Abby got shocked but she tells herself that she doesn’t have any intention to leave the guy in front of him.

Abby: “I promise Jin. I will never ever leave you. So can you now please rest?”

Jaejin: “Thanks Ab, you’re such a great friend. Okay let’s rest now, let’s just fixed this tomorrow when we woke up”

Abby: “rest first I’ll just fix this since I’m not drunk”

Jaejin: “You need help Ab?”

Abby: “no jin, just rest okay?”

Jaejin just follow what Abby told him, so he went to Neiji’s room to sleep and now Abby is alone in the living room talking to herself.

                   Abby talking to herself while cleaning the mess:

“Yes Jin, I am just your friend, your great best friend that is always here for you and will never leave you. I hope I never love you this much Jin so that I’m not hurting right now. Seeing you crying and suffering hurts me more than how hurt you are. I hope I could do anything just to ease the pain that you’re feeling right now but I know you need time to heal. I’m just here Jin.”

                         Abby is not done in cleaning the mess and she also felt sleepy now so she decided to sit in the couch for a while but she fall asleep fast. 

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