Request from MonstaXBebe0514
A Sweet Smut ( Wonho x Reader)
You try not to overthink things. You try not to put your full heart into people. Confiding in others is stupid, pointless, entirely a waist of time. You always find yourself pulled into these situations of caring, or wanting to care more, but you always pull away. Your faced with guilt because of that. You have feelings still, you don't like to share them.
You hate it when others call you heartless for your detachment. You're not some robot like they say you are, its not that you don't appreciate others when they confide in you for help. The thing is, you just don't give yourself up to others immediately. You don't go personal when they do, you don't answer a direct question about your private life. If its your private life then why the hell would you talk to them about it?
You consider knowing a person for over a year a short amount of time. After such a period you still don't open up. Maybe that is a short amount of time, but other people who know you don't seem to agree. They pester you for details and snippets from your past. When will they realize you have a filter to your words, unlike them. Sure, getting to know someone is fine, but that doesn't mean you go deep with your stories from when you were five. Thats excessive.
So, you find yourself being quite stupid, standing here like a fool. You can't seem to understand why you're insecure with Wonho being distant. That's always you in a relationship, why are you acting different now that's its switched? Its not that he's ignoring you, no its a bit different. Its more that he's avoiding the inevitable.
In starting a relationship with Wonho you immediately realized he was one for feelings and the romantic stuff. While that was a turn off for you, his other qualities won you over. The way he dance, sing, laugh, or how nice he is to his friends. Its like he goes around spreading this bright energy to anyone who needs it, or is even in his proximity. Not that you have anything against joyful people, but in the past you always seemed to steer clear of that- sometimes unintentionally.
Deciding to start a relationship with Wonho wasn't like he just asked you out on a date out of the blue. No, it was friendship that slowly went in the direction of something more. Maybe he'd invite you to a casual lunch but end up holding your hand walking through the park. Maybe he'd share a private joke that only the two of you knew in front of the other members. Maybe brushing away an astray eyelash, maybe coming over to your apartment to help you pack for a new one. Whatever it was, he'd do it to make you happy. Not for what he'd get back, but for what he could give.
For the first time, you appreciated the care he put in, the effort to go out of his way for you. Never before had you considered such a thing, you were almost opposed to pointless gestures of kindness. But it was different with him, he proved he cared for you, not in words, or roses, or song dedications; but the deeds he did, doing for you what mattered to you.
Why is he being so distant now?
Well, you have a few answers to that question. While it makes you both nervous and annoyed you almost understand. You've kissed, you've done much more than kiss, but you've never actually had sex. You've hinted at it and tried to go farther, but he pushes you away and makes excuses, of his tiredness from practice. You fully understand why avoids you. But he also looks at you with hooded, lusty eyes; sending the wrong message. Yet, he is the one changing plans and exiting the bed first.
You sincerely want to change that.
And that is whats so strange. You, the person who hates most everyone, avoids most everyone, you, want to chase after him? You figure its because you can recognize when a person is good, and pure. Maybe thats the problem with you two, you're not so innocent, while he is. He can tell too, the way you approach sexual activities with him with ease and comfort, while he stays nervous and uncomfortable. You want him to feel relaxed when around you, not looking for the nearest escape.