Chapter 11: That Special Person and School Struggles

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I'm so sorry guys! I've been on writers block for what seems like forever! PLEASE give me some idea on what I could do!

Jaylies POV:

I quietly sit looking through my pictures in the album in front of me. I'm lonely in here now. The other kids have all gone to school and Chelsey is watching TV next to me in a chair. I don't know what she is watching. Something about bears or something. I'm not paying any attention to it. I check the time. 12:34 pm. Jaxon should be here soon. He gets out of school at 1 today. He has hockey practice.
I smile as I see a picture of me a Jazzy and Allie with Todd and Esther in the swimming pool. I remember that day. It was super fun. I quickly and quietly put the pictures away as I hear a knock on the door. I don't say anything so that Dr. Jones knows to come in.
"Jaylie, you have visitors ." He says.
I look up.
"Hey guys!" I say as all my friends from school come over to me holding presents for me. 
I look over at Chelsey. She's smiling. I look at Jason. He is my crush at school. He looks like this:

I think he likes me too

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I think he likes me too. 😍
I open some presents from my friends. I open Jason's present first. It was a new book. I loved this book. It was my favorite of all time. I took a few more presents and they were all great. I got some balloons and some cards. I thank everyone and Jaxon walks in.
"Hey! You're having a party without me!" He says.
We all laugh and Jaxon sits next to Chelsey.
Everyone soon leaves and then Allie and Jazzy come in.
"Hey guys!" Allie says happily.
Jazzy looked sad as she sits next to me.
"What's up Jaz?" I say.
"I bombed my math test!" She says.
Math has always been her favorite class, but she has been lacking her schoolwork. And it's all because of me and this stupid disease!
"And the teacher wants to speak with a guardian. So I chose Justin!" She said.
We all exchanged worried looks.
Finally, Chelsey spoke up.
"Jazzy, honey you know we can't do that. Justin still has some shows left. He should be done with tour in about 6 months at the least." She said. Jazzy nodded, tears in her eyes. She reached her arms out for Nathan, who had just gotten here after picking Colton up from school and was about to go to Basketball practice.
Nathan gladly accepted the hug and sat down in the nearest chair, cuddling Jazmyn. After a while, she said, "Are you guys mad at me for failing?" She said.
"No baby. We know this is hard on you. Seeing your cousin in a hospital bed all the time, not seeing your brother very often but hey, it will all work out. Just like everything does!" Jeremy said, kneeling down to Jazzy's level.
I stayed quiet. Knowing that if I said something, I would set Jazzy off again.

Jazzy's POV: 
Eventually Jaylie had to go to get some more tests done and I had to go to school to meet with the teacher. Nathan and Colton and Jaxon went to hockey, while me and Daddy (Jeremy) and Allie are going to school. Allie has to come finish a test so when we got to school, her teacher was waiting for her to come finish. Me however, had to wait in the office with a very mean lady at the front desk. Daddy wasn't allowed in with me until Mrs. Rhonda came in.
"Bieber" she said
She scrunched up her finger to get me to come follow her into the room.
I looked at daddy. Then to the front desk lady. Then back at Mrs. Rhonda. She's ugly with a huge zit that never goes away right in the middle of her forehead.
I quickly follow her knowing that if I waited any longer, I would be in even more trouble than I already am.
We walked into the conference room together taking seats across from each other. We sat there quietly for a while until I broke the silence with an awkward cough. I got a very mean glare fro Mrs. Rhonda. Man I hate her. I want a new teacher.
"Jazmyn!" She says loudly, knocking me out of my thoughts. I hate how she uses my real name. Everyone calls me Jazzy. But she insists on calling me Jazmyn even though I hate being called that.
I look at her very scared and obviously uncomfortable. Maybe if I make a cute face, i will get away with it. So I did.
(Kinda like this:

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