Chapter 1: "The line is behind me, I crossed it again"

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Alexander Hamilton turned on his heel sharply, stabbing a finger in my face in one swift motion. His face was flushed and his chin was held high in an attempt to make himself seem taller and intimidating. Which, despite me being a head taller than him, was working. I knew I had gone too far by insulting his dead mother and prepared myself for the insults and yelling I knew I would rightfully receive.

"What the fuck did you say to me, Jefferson?" he spat. Instinctively, I took a step backwards. I opened my mouth to respond, but my throat had gone dry. After a couple of seconds of silence his face contorted into rage and his fist connected to my face. I stumbled backwards in surprise, I didn't even have time to process what he had done before he had punched me again. I lost count of the punches and kicks I received, I didn't bother fighting back. I doubled over in pain and tasted the bitter mix of salt and metal in my mouth. I hadn't even noticed I was crying.

"A-Alexander," I croaked, unable to withstand the pain anymore, "I-I can't" I trailed off wiping the back of my hand against my mouth.

A look of regret passed his face for only a moment, but it twisted back into anger as quickly as it had appeared. My senses seemed numbed and I could only vaguely see the grass underneath me. College students passed by hurriedly to avoid the violence and tension between Hamilton and I. At some point, to my relief, I had stopped crying, but I knew my face would still be tear-stained and my eyes would still be red and puffy. I couldn't believe I cried in front of my rival, the man I had despised ever since I had met him in high school. The same man I had fought with during many trivial school debates and sometimes fought with just for fun. It was not the first time we had fought physically, but this time it was different. I hadn't fought back, I had taken every well deserved punch.

"Get the fuck up, Jefferson," he sneered. The courtyard was silent except for the shuffle of feet as college students practically ran to their classes, trying to avoid the tension and violence. I looked up at Hamilton, his dark hair was loose around his face, almost completely out of his ponytail. I noticed his knuckles were turning a gross mix of purple and yellow as he held out his hand to help me up. I hesitated for only a second before taking his warm hand in mine. He helped me up and quickly dropped my hand. After wiping his hand on his jeans, he sighed and grabbed his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder.

"C'mon," he mumbled, my vision was still blurred as I grabbed my bag and followed him blindly. Why did I always have to push this man so far? After a couple of minutes of walking in silence, I looked up noticing that he had brought me to the campus nurse. I did not know what I was expecting, but it was definitely not this.

I pushed open the doors and a woman at a desk looked up at me, she was clearly a student intern from the looks of her. Her dark curls billowed around her face and she wore a nametag reading Maria on top of her dark red dress.

"The nurse is out on her lunch break," she stated closing her laptop glancing up at my bruises and cut above my lip, "but I think I can help you myself." she smirked.

I tugged at the collar of my magenta shirt, which was now stained from a mix of dirt and blood. Maria motioned for me to follow her into a small room, I silently obliged and followed her. I looked up noticing Hamilton had followed us, the man was examining his bruising knuckles in silence and his face remained expressionless. I sat up straighter and pushed my hair out of my face as an attempt to regain my composure and confidence.

Maria held a damp washcloth to my cut and I hissed before biting my lip to silence myself. "What the fuck did you do?" she said looking at me through dark eyes. She was beautiful without a doubt, even I could notice that despite playing for well the other team.

Out of sheer boredom I decided to flirt with her. My lips turned into a smirk and I leaned closer to her, "Some little shit," I said lowering my voice, "tried stealing my wallet," I lied. "I beat him up and got it back . Alexander brought me here afterwards." I added motioning to Hamilton who was staring at me with his eyebrows raised.

She sighed clearly not buying the story, but thankfully she decided not to press the issue. She only nodded and muttered something about going to get a first aid kit, leaving Hamilton and I alone.

I looked up at Hamilton who was twisting his sleeve with anxiety. "Alexander," I said and the man looked up at me, I motioned for him to take the seat next to me and he did, mumbling something about not using his first name.

A couple moments of silence passed until I sighed, "I'm sorry, Hamilton," I mumbled.

"What?" Alexander said in shock, his head shooting up in surprise. When I didn't respond he repeated himself, "what did you say?".

I groaned and looked up at the man, "I said I'm sorry, Hamilton," I repeated irritation laced in my voice. I hadn't meant to say it in that tone, but Hamilton didn't bother commenting on it. He was still clearly surprised I had actually apologized.

Hamilton was about to respond when Maria came back into the room with a first aid kit. They all sat in silence as the girl attempted to mend the wounds. She finished up and dismissed us with a wave of her hand. "Try not to get in any more trouble, boys" she said grinning.

I smirked, "If it means I get to spend more time with you then maybe I should get into fights more often," I said standing up to my full height.

Maria laughed softly handing me a slip of paper, which I knew without looking was her phone number. "Bye, boys!" she called in a sing-song voice as I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door.

I held the door open for Alexander, "Ladies first." I smirked. Hamilton mumbled something in response as he walked. I took the slip of paper out of my pocket to find I had guessed correctly. I crumpled the piece of paper and tossed in into a trashcan outside the door.

Hamilton turned around to face me, "Why the fuck were you flirting with her if you were just gonna throw her number away?"

I shrugged and fixed the buttons on my shirt, "I was bored," I stated bluntly, "and besides, I'm not interested in women," I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"I knew you and Madison were together," Alexander whispered.

"I'm sorry- what?" I said a bit too loudly.

"oh-OH.", Alexander looked up at me with wide eyes, "I didn't realize I said that last part out loud, fuck. It's just- you guys seem so-" he rambled.

I groaned, "Jemmy is my best friend, not my boyfriend! How many people think that I'm dating him?" I almost yelled.

Hamilton didn't answer the question just responded with a simple nod. "I have to go, I have a date tonight." he said simply, adjusting his backpack.

I laughed bitterly, "So do I. Good luck, Hamilton, you'll need it." I teased him.

"Fuck you." he scoffed.

"Why, Hamilton, so forward." I laughed putting a hand on my chest and watching his face turn red.

Alexander groaned, "That was NOT an invitation!" he warned on the verge of yelling.

"Whatever you say, Hamilton," I said raising my eyebrows. With that, he flipped me off and turned the corner towards his dorm, not bothering to respond.

Word count: 1358 

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