Chapter 1

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Alright, so again, I'm going to say, this is my first fan fiction, and actually my first time using Watt Pad so don't judge me please! Hope you guys enjoy this! 

"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir yelled as he put his hand on a large piece of metal on the top of the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug and Chat Noir were on the top of the Eiffel Tower fighting an akumatized victim called Mentalist. Chat watched as the metal piece crumbled sending a bar flying to the floor leaning over the edge of the tower stopping Mentalist in his tracks.

Mentalist disappeared around the other side of the tower Ladybug going after him, and Chat wanted to follow. He pumped his fists in the air in triumph, and tried to step backwards, but he couldn't. Looking down and behind he saw his belt like tail stuck underneath the bar. He pulled at it but it would budge. 


"Chat, watch out!"

He looked up in time to see a fist flying at him. Before he could respond, the fist his him right in the stomach, and he flew backwards, stopping with the belt keeping him from falling. He grunted in pain as pain flew threw his body from the punch.

He had fallen off the edge of the tower, and was now dangling by his tail looking down at the ground hundreds of feet below him. He reached behind his back to where his rod was and extended it using it to climb up so he could reach the edge. He threw the rod onto the ground in front of him so both his hands were free, and gripped the edge, pulling himself up onto it. He was stopped abruptly by a hand shoving him back down. His hands were still on the edge, and a large boot came down crushing his gloved fingers. He yelped in pain, and against his will, his hands slip from the ledge leaving him to dangle from the tower.

 Chat tried to swing himself up to the ledge, but without his rod, he wasn't very successful.   

"Goodbye Cat," a deep voice came from above him. 

"Mentalist, don't do it!" Ladybug screamed as Mentalist inched closer to Chat's tail that was slipping out from underneath the bar from Chat's weight.

"Do what?" he said slyly. "This?" He grabbed onto the bar, and lifted as if it weighed nothing, it letting the belt fly free.

"No!" Ladybug yelled as Chat plunged towards the ground.

"Ladybug help!" he screamed. 

She swung her yo-yo, and it wrapped around his leg, stopping him from falling. Chat had fallen around six hundred feet, and was still about four hundred above the ground, but Ladybug began to pull him up temporarily forgetting about the large akumatized man standing a few feet away from her. Chat yelped in surprise as he began to fall again, the yo-yo's wire still around his slim waist.

The yo-yo's wire slowly uncoiled from around him, and shot upwards. He closed his eyes ready to hit the ground, when he was grabbed around the waist and yanked upwards. He opened his eyes to see the black and red spotted heroin's arm wrapped around him as she swung from her yo-yo safely to the ground. 

She only let go, and gave his rod back to him after she was sure he okay. He didn't show her his hands, because the leather had ripped because of Mentalist's shoes when he stomped on his hands. His shoes where covered in tiny little needle like spikes all around the top, and attached to the bottom were larger spikes.  The spikes had dug into his knuckles causing little droplets of blood to spill from them. 

"You didn't think I would give up that easily, did you?" 

Mentalist cried appearing at the bottom of the tower only a few feet from them. Chat ran towards him, and wrestled him to the ground avoiding the many spikes attached to his midnight black clothes. Mentalist punched Chat  in the face, Chat flying off him, landing on his wrist, hard. Ladybug started to run towards him, but stopped suddenly. Mentalist had closed his eyes, and was facing towards Ladybug. 

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