class assignment

14 0 0

Chapter 1 part 3

Marinette POV
I just got p paired with Adrien I'm so hyped but I've never heard him sing before so I'm a little worried I hope that's not bad

Adrian's POV
After hearing her sing I'm pretty sure we're going to get an A mostly because I know I'm a good singer little does anybody know cuz I don't like singing but boy was Chloe mad

Third person POV

Thay have to sing something school appropriate and supposed to be sad they decide to sing sad song by We the Kings

Marinette and Adrien POV quinncidence right?!

Oh my God I got to sing with the best person in this class and got an A!!!!!!!
Senpai noticed meeeeeeee!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


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