Unexpected joy

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A/N: ok so this is an extra page I made this cause I was being nice. !Enjoy!

1 year later

Reader: Mum I don't think I'm feeling good today I feel sick.
-dash to the bathroom and puke-
Mum: are you ok what have you been eating.
Reader: nothing that would make me feel sick.
Mum: well okay then get yourself a rest you're probably just tired, well I'm going to work now take care.

Reader POV

While mom was gone I turned the TV on and the commercial talks about the exact symptoms I have when the advert ended it's was an advertisement for pregnancy tester device, I ran down to the nearest pharmacy and bought one after reading how to use it I quickly test it and it said I was 5 months pregnant, how am I gonna tell this to mum, dad and S-shin-kun I was on the verge of crying when someone knocked on the door i quickly his the pregnancy tester under my pillow and answered the door, to my surprise it was shin-kun.

Reader: S-shin-kun
Midorima: Hey what's wrong
-he grabbed you pulling closer to him in a tight hug.-
Reader: Why don't you come in i'll get you a drink.
Midorima: okay thanks
- places the glass of drink in the table.-
Reader: umm what brings you here today did you skip class, don't you have practice.
Midorima: well it's not like I came here to check on you or anything anyways shouldn't a sick person be in bed come on I'll take you there.
-He carried you in a bridal style as he made his way to your room As he laid you down on the bed he saw the tester sticking out of the pillow-
Midorima: hey what's this
Reader: ah wait no don't
-Midorima's eyes widen-
Midorima: why didn't you tell me you're pregnant with my child...right?
-You start to tear up-
Reader: it's not that i want to hide it from you or anything, in fact I just found out myself today. -sniffle-
Midorima: I'm sorry please don't cry, there's no need to worry I'm going to take responsibility anyways and besides -blushes a little- I didn't think it'd come this early but (takes out a box with a ring) Will You Marry me _(name)_
Midorima: I promise I'll take care of you and love you forever and ever.
Reader: .....Y-yes of course
-smiles in tears-
Midorima kisses you on the lips while sliding the ring on your ring finger.

A/N: so people how was it should I extend it like ummm... lets see 6yrs skip!

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