1. The Beginning

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It was 5:00 in the morning, and Russia was on the run as usual. Back when Russia was a child, he was the one that was always bullied, he had no friends, and no one ever wanted to talk to him. He didn't understand why, all he wanted was to have a friend, anyone, he didn't care, he just wanted to have someone that cared about him. He had Ukraine and Belarus, but those were his sisters, not his friends, of course they cared about him, but it just wasn't the same. Russia eventually got tired from running, and decided to hide behind some rocks he found. He was being chased by Prussia, who wanted to kill him for some unknown reason. Russia was on his own, hiding, in the freezing cold. "Come out, come out, wherever you are snow boy!" Prussia was shouting. 'I just wish he would leave me alone already!' Russia thought to himself. All of the sudden he felt someone grab him from behind. "Help!" Russia shouted but was shushed by someone's finger, and then he heard an unfamiliar voice whisper, "Be quiet, I'm trying to help you!" And then the person started running off with poor little Russia in his/her arms. Prussia saw a shadow of someone running and started chasing after it, but it was to fast. Prussia stopped, breathing heavily, "Wait!....s-stop!" Prussia tried to start running again, but he couldn't go much farther. He eventually gave up and started to walk back home. "Who are you?!" Russia shouted so the person could hear him. No response. He/she finally stopped at some house, Russia noticed some type of black and white bear, Russia shouted "How cute, I love bears!" "It's called a panda..." The other person said, finally speaking. He/she went inside and sat Russia on the couch. "Wait right there." Russia finally got a good look at the mystery person he couldn't tell if they were a boy or girl though, he/she walked into another room, and came out about 15 minutes later, with a bowl of Chinese noodles. Russia had fallen asleep, so he/ she gently shook his arm to wake him up. Once Russia woke up he could smell the noodles, he hadn't eaten a while, so he was excited to smell the food. "You must be hungry, aren't you aru?" "Yes I am!" Russia didn't really know what aru meant but he didn't really care. "Here this is for you." The person said, handing him the noodles. "Thank you... uh what's your name?" Russia asked. "Yao, but you can call me China, and what's your name?" "Ivan, but you can call me Russia!" He shoved a bunch of noodles in his mouth, they were delicious. "They're delicious, thank you!" China sort of giggled, "Your welcome" ..."May I ask you a question?" China asked, looking concerned. "Sure." "Why were you all alone at there, with that little boy chasing you?" Russia almost forgot about that. "Well you see, this is sort of embarrassing but... not a lot of people like me, so I'm usually left alone, and that little boy was Prussia, I don't know why but he hates my guts." "Oh...well I can be your friend if you want." Russia's face lit up with excitement. Someone finally wanted to be friends with him! Russia finally felt respected for one. "Yes! Please be my friend! I've never had a friend before, this is great!" Russia shouted, jumping into China's arms. " Thank you for caring so much, I'm sure we'll be great friends." China said, flattered by the fact that someone wanted to have him as friend that bad. It warmed China's heart to see the once poor, and lonely child so happy. Russia shouted "We'll be the best of friends!" "I bet we will." China said, handing Russia a fortune cookie. "Open it" Russia done as told, and found a little paper in it. "Now read it." Russia started to read the paper aloud. "It says, You don't have to worry anymore, for a true friendship will soon blossom." Russia and China smiled at each other, happy to know that they're future together, was going to be good. "I just have one more question." "What is it?" China asked. "Are you a boy or girl?" China blushed..."I'm a boy, but I get mistaken as a girl a lot, I guess it's just the way I was born." "Oh okay." Russia said before falling asleep again.

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