2. Not you again

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It's been 5 years since Russia and China became friends. So far their relationship was full of happiness. They were both so happy it seemed as nothing could have gone wrong, until one day. Russia had moved in with China 2 years ago. Ukraine got into drama with some of the stronger western countries, it wasn't pretty. She feared for her younger sibling's safety, so she sent him away, and of course he went straight to China's house. Belarus was already staying with Liechtenstein, and Switzerland, so she was taken care of. "China! You have to help me!" Russia cried out. This of course made China very worried so he ran towards Russia, and gave him a hug. "What's wrong?! What is it?!" China asked. Russia was crying, and sniffling. "I-It's big sister Ukraine, she wanted to keep me safe and-and..." "What?!" China asked trying not to sound frightened, even though he was expecting bad news. "She-She's all alone out there...fighting...She could die!" Russia shouted, crying. "Shh, shhh.." China sat down and laid Russia in his lap, petting his head. "Don't worry Russia, she'll be fine..." Truth is china knew that anything could happen to her during war, but he didn't want to make Russia worry anymore. "Until she returns, you can live here, does that sound alright aru?" Russia put a slight smile on, and tried to dry up his tears. "That would be great, thank you..." China picked a sunflower out of the ground, and handed it to Russia. "Anything for my sunflower..." Russia (landform) was always snowy, and cold, so Russia (personified) had never seen many flowers before. "I love it..." Russia said with a smile. Then they got up and walked to China's house. Once Ukraine returned, she decided to let Russia live with China, since he seemed more happier there. 3 years later (1205 again) , before that everything was great. Then that dark and terrible day snuck in. It was 11:00 pm, China and Russia were getting ready for bed, and then they heard a loud knock on the door. "Why are they knocking so loud?!" China complained while walking toward the door. Russia stayed behind China, afraid that it might be someone bad. Then China heard a familiar voice, one he did not want to hear. "Open up China! I'm not going to hurt you! I came to end this! I want to be brothers again!" China didn't believe him. He started to walk away from the door and grabbed Russia's hand, and started pulling him along with him. "Who was it China?" "No one that I care about anymore." China mumbled, not realizing it. The knocks kept getting louder and louder, and so did the yelling. "Prease! I just want the sirence to be over! I miss you! I don't ever want to hurt you again! You have to trust me!" China finally yelled back, "I'll never trust you again after what you did to me!" Russia was beginning to get scared hearing his best friend yell like that, it seemed like he was angry, yet sad at the same time. China started crying hearing his brother for the first time in 10 years. He couldn't resist anymore, he had to let his brother in. China then ran to the door and swung it open. "What do you want Japan?!" China shouted, stray tears still running down his face. "I just wanted to aporogize ....for everything..." "If you're just here to say sorry and leave, that's not a real apology." "You obviousry don't want me here, so how else do you want me to aporogize?" "I-I don't know..." China said quietly. Japan then saw Russia peeking from a corner. "Who is that?" Japan asked, pointing at Russia. "Why should I tell you?" China asked angrily, knowing that Japan was friends with Prussia (They're friends in this story btw) . Russia started to creep behind a wall that lead to another hallway. 'That looks like the boy Prussia told me about' Japan though to himself. Japan didn't want to make his relationship with china any worse, but he had to see who that boy was. 'No I can't take away another one he cares for' Japan thought to himself.
"Japan what are you doing?!" China yelled. "I'm sorry China! But this is for the best, trust me!" "I want too, but I don't think I can!" China started crying, "Don't let him take me!" Hong Kong shouted, more scared then ever, it was rare for him to get scared. China smiled, "I won't." Japan grabbed Hong Kong and ran away as fast as he could. "China help me!" Hong Kong started crying. Since Japan had to go into his first war (I made this all up btw, so don't judge :3) he wanted one of his relatives to go with him, since the rest refused, he decided to force Hong Kong to go, Japan didn't want to drag one of his relatives into war, but he had no choice, at the time Japan was still isolated, so they had to have some type of influence from another army. Since China was the closest to Hong Kong, he got the most angry at Japan, resulting into another big argument between them, and a 10 year silent treatment. Japan hated what happened, especially when he had to leave Hong Kong on battle ground to save himself. Hong Kong then got taken away. They rarely got to see him after that.
~End of Flashback~
"Why don't you just leave Japan, you have no business being here!" China shouted, breaking Japan from his thoughts. "Fine, I'll leave if you tell me who that was." "Why do you care so much?!" Japan froze, he couldn't tell China the truth, about what Prussia told him to do if he ever found the kid. It was either keep a friendship with Prussia, and drift even farther away from China, or Lose Prussia, one of his closest friends, and stay the same with China. Either way China would hate him. He finally decided that he would never become friends with China again, so why lose another one? "Prease forgive me.." Japan whispered. "What do you mean?!" China began getting worried. Japan ran into the house and grabbed Russia. "Wha-" Russia tried to talk but he was too scared. China began crying again, but this time it was pure anger. "Don't you dare take him away too!" China shouted. "I'm sorry I have too!" "No you don't! And you didn't have to take Hong Kong away either, but you did anyways!" This was the most mad Russia had ever seen China. Japan stared crying, "You didn't have to bring that up! And I would've died out there if it wasn't for him!" "So you let him get risked being killed, so you could just run away and take the credit?!" China was furious, and Japan was starting to get there, even though he's one to stay calm, it just wasn't happening then. "I'm done arguing with you!" Japan shouted, and ran out the door with terrified Russia. "No! Russia, I promise I'll get you back!" China yelled, running after them. "China I'm scared!" Russia shouted, trying to squirm free. Those three words were the one's china never wanted to hear Russia say ever again. Hearing that, made China's entire body stop. Seeing them disappear into the woods, not knowing where they were going, or what Japan, or Prussia were going to do to his little sunflower made him nauseous. China fell on to the ground, and started crying, knowing that he failed to protect the one he loved and cared about, just like last time. He sat there all night, crying, Russia didn't deserve that, he didn't deserve any of it. The next morning, china finally went Back to his house, completely isolated himself, until he met some new friends, and even an old one, hundreds of years later...

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